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Some quick trigger warning in this( more triggering stuff than usual)

"Hey, Oliver!"

My head snapped around to see where the voice had come from, and saw an all too familiar face. I looked at Maisie, and saw that she was looking down, pretending not to have noticed. "Who's that, Maisie? Is she your friend from your old school?" Tori asked sweetly. "N-NO!" Maisie replied quickly. "Not at all!" She added. "Hey, Maisie! Who are your friends? Mind if we join you guys?" I swear to go her voice is more annoying than a chipmunk. "Um, yes, actually, we do mind!" I said, passive aggressively. "Oh, well, could I talk to Maisie on her own for a minute, I need to tell her something. It's...really important she knows, but I can't tell you guys..." "No!" "Beck! Maybe it won't be that bad? Just give me a sec..." and with that she wandered off with the bitch.

"Hang on, Beck, who was that?" André asked, confused. I sighed. "She used to bully Maisie." I explained. "Wait...what is she doing?" Robbie asked, diverting everyone's attention to where they were. I saw Maiya tug Maisie's sleeve up, and then start laughing, along with her friends. Maisie looked flustered. Why would Maiya...Maisie didn't...did she? I couldn't help become concerned. Maisie furiously pulled her sleeve down and ran off, in the direction of the river. I stormed over to Maiya. "What did you do?!" I yelled. "Nothing, Beck!" She giggled. Her friend next to her was twirling her hair around her finger and looking at me and giggling, as well. My mind piece things together, and my thought track immediately went back to my sister. I ran over to the river, thankful to see Maisie out of the water, but my heart broke when I heard what she was saying to herself.

"You could just jump. You could just end it so easily. Nobody would care anyway. Just do it."

She muttered quietly. I saw her near the edge of the bridge, but I couldn't move. It's like I was paralysed. Until one foot hovered over the edge. I quietly went closer, so I didn't startle her. She closed her eyes. She started falling forwards, but I was quicker. I wrapped my arms around her middle just before she fell. "It's okay, you're okay." I breathed out. I carried her back off the bridge. I put her down and we went back to my car. I texted the others to tell them I had to go.

Neither of us spoke. But eventually I heard small sniffles coming from Maisie. I put my hand down on her thigh, as if to show I cared, and then finally, we were back home. She was about to go back into the house, but I pulled her into my rv. "Sit." I pointed to my bed, and she obliged. I crouched down in front of her.

"Maisie?" I asked. She quietly hummed in response. "Why?" My voice cracked slightly. She sighed. "Why not?" "I think think of a million reasons why not, but you seems happier than you usually were today. What sent you over the edge?" "N-Nothing..." she looked away. A blind man could see that there was something she obviously wasn't telling me. But I already knew. "What were you and Maiya talking about, before? Why did she pull up your sleeve and laugh?" I asked. "Oh! Um... I uh, have some marks on my arm that...uh, look like a smiley face?" She seemed to be asking herself more than telling me. But, I decided to play dumb. "Oh, then can I see it?" "Oh...uh..." "Maisie, can you lift up your sleeve? Please, or I'm going to do it myself, bug that will make it more uncomfortable for both of us." She sighed. Her long fingers scattered down to the edge of her sleeve, and she reluctantly tugged at her sleeve. She sighed again, and started pulling it up slowly. I could start to see

One scar
Two scars
Three scars
Four scars
Five scars
And so on.

It didn't seem to stop. But when it did, she did something I hoped she didn't have to. She went over to the other sleeve, and did the same. 

Neither of us spoke in this time. When she was done, she pulled both of her sleeves down, and stood up. "See you at dinner." She simply stated. I was left on my own, paralysed in shock. Yes, I had known already. But, it was all becoming too real...

Holo I'm back with another chapter after too long, bc I love you guys 💖 also, I apologise if my writing style has changed a lot, but feel free to write in the comments what you though if this chapter :D anyway, TIL next time, baiiii

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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