Chapter 1: Arriving on Pandora

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A/N: Italics= Na'vi language

Na'vi. One of the things I have been interested in since my mother told me about entering me in the Avatar Program that was soon to come. I was so excited to finally see the beautiful world of Pandora that my mother wondered if she could go with me, since she was also interested. But....that never happened. A few weeks before I had to leave, my mother died from an unknown illness. I was devastated. Soon, I left for Pandora feeling alone.

* * *
I've been in cryo stasis for 6 years, along with a few others that I have gotten to know, like Jake Sully. You learned about most of the animals on Pandora like the Direhorse, or Pa'li as the Na'vi would call it. It was a six legged horse that fed on sap, roughly the size of an elephant. Then, there was the Hexapede, or Yerik. They are some of the most beautiful and fragile creatures of Pandora. Although a prime target for any land or aerial predator, the rapid pace of their breeding keeps them from extinction. Mountain Banshees, or Ikran, were probably one of my favorites, since bonding with one was extremely hard to do and required a rite of passage for Na'vi warriors in some clans, including the Omaticaya. They had a wingspan of 13.2 meters and very fascinating colors. The Na'vi language was the first thing my father taught me in the second grade, while my mother told me about the Avatar Program.

I had asked Jake why he was here and he told me that his twin brother had died, so he was taking his place in the program. I felt bad for him because he had lost his sibling, but he told me not to worry about it. We went inside and got lectured by a guy named Miles Quaritch. I don't think people liked him that much. Jake and I mostly ignored what he said before going to see our Avatars. After he was done talking, we met a guy named Norm Spellman who could speak Na'vi like I could, though not as fluently. I guess I just had more practice than he did. We also met a guy named Max Patel, who was apparently in charge of linking people to their Avatars, and providing advice and support to the avatar team. Grace Augustine was the Xenobotanist, who was Max's boss, as well as ours. We watched as Grace got out of her link unit and stood up.

"Where are my damn cigarettes?" She said, as she looked around the room before spotting us. Norm walked up to her and shook her hand.
"Hi, I'm Norm Spellman; it's nice to meet you."
Grace smiled and asked him how good his Na'vi was. They exchanged a greeting in Na'vi, which I understood, but it seemed to make Jake confused. I decided to join the conversation.

"Hello. My name is Jessie but please call me Jess."
Grace looked at me with shock. "How did you learn Na'vi so fluently?" She looked really interested
"Umm...well I've been practicing since I was in second grade. My dad wanted me to learn it, though at the time I didn't know what I was going to do with the language."
Grace nodded her head in understanding.
"I see. Well it is nice to meet you Jess."
"It's nice to meet you too Grace." I shook her hand.
"We'll link you guys tomorrow, but first go ahead and get some rest." We all nodded and she let Max lead Jake and Norm to their sleeping quarters while Grace led me to mine. "Be up at 0800, alright?" I nodded at her and she left me in my room. I sighed and got ready for bed, ready for the long day ahead.
The next morning, I got up a bit earlier than Grace had told me to so I decided that I would go and get breakfast early. Grace was already down at the mess hall, so I took a seat next to her after I got my food. "You're up early" She told me after she swallowed her food.
"Yeah, I guess I'm excited to get into the Avatars with the others." I took a bite of my food and we ate while talking about the Avatars, what they are like, and the plant life on Pandora. Jake and Norm came down an hour later and I waved them over, "Hey guys!" They waved at me and made their way over to the table.
"How are you this morning?" Norm asked. I smiled and said hi to Jake before answering. "I'm doing pretty good. How did you guys sleep?"
"We slept pretty well. Or at least I did." Norm replied.
"I slept pretty well too." Jake added.
"That's good. We need all our energy for this." I stood up. "Grace? Is it okay if I link early?" She finished her food and looked at me.
"I guess. Just ask Max to fire up your unit for you. It should be Unit 4." I thanked her and left to go find Max. Max was already standing next to my unit and he quickly waved me over.
"I figured that you would want to link up early, so I got everything set up for you."
"Thank you Max. I appreciate it." Max smiled and I climbed into the link then pulled over the cover.
"Clear your mind and be calm." Max told me, I did what he said and felt myself being transferred to my Avatar. I opened my eyes in my new body and flinched while my eyes adjusted to the light. Some scientists asked me to test my dexterity which worked fine. They also told me to try and stand after they checked my eyes to make sure they were dilating correctly. They thanked me for cooperating before letting me leave to go change, since I was in a hospital gown. I changed into some native Na'vi clothing, since I decided it would be best to blend in with them instead of looking out of place. About an hour later, Jake and Norm got linked to their Avatars and we played basketball for a while. Grace then told us that we had to go to bed since we were going out tomorrow to explore.

(The next chapter will be coming out later!)

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