Chapter 2: Hometree

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The next day, we got linked to our avatars and got onto the helicopter that was being piloted by Trudy. When we landed, Grace and Norm went off to go look at some of the plant life around the area. Jake was touching some Helicoradian or Loreyu and suddenly they all recoiled, revealing an Angtsik. "Um, Grace what do I do?" Jake said while pointing his gun at the Hammerhead Titanothere.
"Don't shoot! Don't shoot! You'll piss him off!" She told him quickly.
"Angtsik are very territorial. They charge at anything that seems threatening" I told him.
The hammerhead then charged at Jake, but stopped because something that could kill it was in the area. A Thanator climbed down from a tree and hissed at Jake and I.
"What do I do with this one?" Jake asked Grace.
"Run! Definitely Run!" She yelled at us. We ran as fast as we could and hid in a hole at the base of a tree. The Palulukan clawed its way through the branches trying to get us, Jake shot at it with his gun but the Thanator's hide was too thick. I slowly started to move closer to the Thanator, deciding that maybe I could bond with it. Jake suddenly grabbed my arm and ran toward a waterfall before jumping. I yelped in surprise when we landed in the water, as we resurfaced I yelled at Jake. "What's wrong with you?!"
"What? I just saved us from being eaten by that thing!" Jake replied.
"You skxawng!" I punched him in the arm with a hiss.
"Okay, one I don't know what that means, and two, I just saved us! Be happy you are alive!!" Jake yelled at me before walking away. I followed him because I didn't want to be alone. We ended up walking for most of the night until Jake made a fire to have some warmth and light. Viperwolves started coming closer and closer to our camp, Jake tried to make them go away but we started getting attacked by them then an arrow flew from an unknown area, shooting one of the viperwolves, soon most of them ran away but one laid impaled on the forest floor. A Na'vi came down from the trees and said a prayer before killing it. Jake walked over and thanked her. "No! Do not thank! This is sad! Very sad! They did not deserve to be killed!" She growled at him and left after glancing at me, Jake and I followed her but she pushed Jake. "Go back. You do not belong here." She was really angry with him. She was going to shoot him but some atokirina' stopped her as they landed on Jake's arms as well as mine. I decided to talk to her in the language she knows best.
"Jake is a skxawng. He is like a child, he didn't know any better." I tried to reason with her. She looked at me and contemplated what I said.
"We will go to Hometree and see what Mo'at thinks of this." She ran off and I followed her with Jake lagging behind a little. Jake's legs got caught in a bola that was thrown from somewhere.
"Jake! You alright?" I called to him.
"I'm fine!" He replied back as he got the bola off of him. More Na'vi appeared just then and one of them got off their Pa'li.
"Neytiri, Why are you bringing those monsters to our home!?" He yelled.
"Eywa has given a sign." She replied calmly. He looked at her in disbelief and got back on his Pa'li, he motioned to two other Na'vi which they then took us by our queue and led us back to Hometree. When we got to Hometree, I saw a Na'vi come down from a spiral staircase type thing. I assumed that this was Mo'at.
"Neytiri, what is the meaning of this?" Mo'at asked.
"Mother, there has been a sign from Eywa." Neytiri replied with sincerity. Mo'at looked at us for a moment then pulled out a knife. Jake looked uneasy but stayed where he was.
"Um. My name is Jessie and if I may speak, I would like to say something." I blurted out before she came too close. Mo'at nodded her head at me to speak. "Yes, we are sky people, but we would like to learn your ways. I have been learning about your planet and language for a long time. Pandora is a beautiful place and I would live here if I could. Please, teach us your ways. Jake might be a skxawng but he can learn." Mo'at smiled at me a little and pricked my skin before licking the blood off. She did the same thing to Jake too.
"Very well. We will teach you our ways so you may become one of the people." I silently thanked Eywa for bringing us to the Na'vi and letting them teach us. "Tsu'tey, you will teach Jessie. Neytiri, you will teach Jake." They both looked at her like she was crazy.
"Why do I have to teach that skxawng? He is like a child! He can't do anything right!" Neytiri retaliated.
"I will not teach one of these monsters! They will never be one of us!" Tsu'tey growled before glaring at both Jake and I.
"You will teach them to be one of us! I have asked you to do so, so you will do it!" Mo'at told them in an angry tone. They both glanced at us one last time and nodded at Mo'at. Tsu'tey came over to me before grabbing my shoulder.
"I am reluctant to teach you. You will do as I say tomorrow so be up at dawn." He let go of my shoulder and walked toward a sleeping area that was full of hammocks. I followed him, then watched as he got in one of them and closed it before closing his eyes. I walked up to another empty hammock and got in it. I closed my eyes after I closed the hammock; tomorrow was going to be tough.

(Second chapter is out! Leave a comment if you liked it!)

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