Tsu'tey's Confession

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(Hey guys! I've been getting some time to work on this so here I am!)

It's been a while since I went back to Home Tree. I've been strengthening my human body since my Ikinmaya so hopefully I am not missed too much.
I missed my Ikran, and everyone else for that matter.
"Can I go in today Grace?"
Grace looked at me skeptically.
"Do you really think that's a good idea?"
"Yes I do."
"Alright. Let's get you set up."
Grace led me to my unit and set everything up for me. I gladly got in and relaxed.
"I'll bring you back in a few hours."
Once I was in my avatar I got out of my 'bed', happy to be back. I spotted Neytiri and Jake farther away and it looks like they were fighting
with Tsu'tey about something. I quickly ran over to them but I was stopped halfway by some of the warriors watching.
"Do not interfere."
~Tsu'tey's POV~
I was beyond angry, Jake had mated with Neytiri. We were supposed to! I hissed at Jake.
"You mated with her!"
Jake was being cautious of me.
"We can sort this out."
I growled, he knew nothing!
"You will never be one of the people!"
We ended up fighting and I got punched.
I backed up and wiped the blood from my lip.
I watched in shock, I knew what it meant for a pair to mate. They would be bonded forever.
"Jake... How foolish can you be..?"
Jake looked at me sadly but suddenly his avatar fell to the ground.
"Jake! Neytiri yelled.
I looked around and saw Grace faint, then I did.
I had looked at Tsu'tey and for once I saw pure panic as I blacked out.
As soon as I was ripped from my unit I started yelling at my captor, trying to free myself from his arms.
"Let me go!"
"I'm afraid your time in the avatar is over."
I carried her avatar body in my arms as we went away from our home. We had to leave or else they would find us.
"We'll get you back for this Jake. You and your sky people." I muttered to myself as I hopped on my Ikran having Jessie's follow since it knew me well enough.
"I'll keep my dear friend safe." I told myself this as I looked at Jessie's body, but I couldn't help but feel that calling her my friend was wrong in a way. I don't know what this feeling is but I have it for her. (Sorry if he seems ooc)
Jake and the rest of us escaped and left to a new area. But we had to get Grace to Mo'at before she died. She could put her into her avatar body.
As soon as me and jake got in the units I noticed that someone was holding me.
I stirred a little to get their attention.
"You're awake."
"Yeah. Are we flying?"
"Yes." I stood up on his Ikran slightly and jumped over to mine, making the Tsaheylu.
~Mo'at POV~
I cried to Jake, telling him he must save us from the sky people. I knew he was a good man and that he loved the Na'vi people.


Jake had landed with that beast. He was Toruk Makto. I was amazed on how he managed to get on that thing.
Jake brought Grace over to Mo'at and laid her down.
"She will go through Eywa in this body" Mo'at put her hands over Grace and then her avatar body.
"And return in this one."
Everyone started the process except for me, Tsu'tey, Jake and Neytiri.
Eventually they stopped and Mo'at waited.
"She is with Eywa now.. I am sorry Jake."
Jake nodded and looked to Tsu'tey.
"Will you fly with me?"
"I will fly with you brother."
Jake asked him to be a translator and told everyone his plan. They all cheered and got on their Ikran, following after Jake. I followed after Tsu'tey.
Tsu'tey knew he wanted to tell her his feelings and he asked her to follow him into a secluded part of the woods. We landed our Ikran and walked a bit away from them.
"What do you need?"
"I wish to tell you something."
At this point I was confused. "What is it?"
"Well, I've thought about this and I wish to tell you how I feel about you."
He seemed serious.. had he changed from what I new before?
"I want to protect you. You are my friend- no, you're more than that to me. I care for you like no other." I smiled at him.
"I see you Tsu'tey and I care for you as well."
Tsu'tey didn't show it but I assume he was happy because he took my hand and we went back to fight with the others.

(My motivation and time has come back! I am sure this won't be as good as before since it's been such a long time since the last chapter but here you go!)

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