Chapter 3: Ready for Iknimaya

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(Here it is! The next chapter! Hope you enjoy :D
Bold= Commands to animals such as Pa'li or Ikran

In the morning, I linked up early and got my avatar up before dawn. I quietly got out of my hammock and climbed up a tree to watch the sunrise. I turned my head as I heard someone sit next to me, it was Neytiri. "Good morning." I told her. Neytiri smiled at me.

"Good morning Jessie." she replied. "It's very pretty, isn't it?"

I nodded. "It is."

She set a hand on my shoulder. "Good luck with your training Jessie. Tsu'tey is a stubborn warrior."

"Thank you Neytiri. Good luck training Jake." She sighed. I guess she really didn't want to train him. But I agree with her, I probably wouldn't want to either. We talked about what happened yesterday till the sun rose. I then hopped down and waited for Tsu'tey to get up. When he came down, he looked like he was surprised I was up and ready to go, but maybe I was seeing things because when I blinked, the look was gone. "Come. You will learn how to ride." Tsu'tey then led me to where they teach Na'vi how to ride Pa'li.

"Wait here." He told me as he went to get the second calmest Pa'li in the stable since Jake was using the other one. As Tsu'tey was bringing the Pa'li toward me, I was watching Jake try to ride. I watched as he fell in the mud and I giggled a bit. Tsu'tey stopped in front of me. "Make the Tsaheylu with the Pa'li using your tswin." He held his Tswin or queue up to show me. I nodded and hopped up on the Pa'li then I took the Pa'li's tswin and connected it with mine. I could feel her emotions and how strong she was.

"Now get her to move." Tsu'tey told me sternly. I nodded in reply and gave her a small command.

"Walk forward please." She responded by walking forward faster than I told her and I fell off. Tsu'tey smirked and laughed a little. I glared at him before getting back on the Pa'li, I told her once again to go forward but slower than last time, she moved forward normally seeing that I was calm. I told her to turn and rode toward Tsu'tey, I stopped in front of him and smiled a little. He nodded his head in approval and got on his own Pa'li. We rode toward Jake and Neytiri as Jake fell in the mud again. Tsu'tey laughed, "You will never be one of us." he said.

"So you can speak English." Jake replied as he wiped his face and got the mud off of his tongue. Tsu'tey sneered at him. Neytiri patted his Pa'li and it ran forward, I followed him while laughing a little. After a bit of riding we went on to bow training. Tsu'tey kept repositioning my elbow by slapping it and I think it's red now from how many times he has done it, I am pretty sure he is annoyed with how I'm not positioning my stance correctly. Tsu'tey growled a little as he had to reposition my elbow again.

"If you can't hold a simple position you won't ever become one of the people. Stop messing around and focus!" He bared his teeth at me in anger.

"I'm trying!" I yelled back.

"Try harder than that!" He made me stand straighter, "Now, try and shoot the middle of the target." I took a deep breath and let go of my arrow. It hit near the center, but not good enough. We kept practicing till nightfall and I still hadn't gotten it right. Tsu'tey sighed.

"We will continue training tomorrow. You know when to be up; for now, let's get some food." Tsu'tey walked back to Hometree with me following behind him, we sat down and ate with Neytiri on my left and Jake next to her while Tsu'tey sat on my right. Me and Jake occasionally talked about how training was going with Neytiri joining in at times. I never noticed that Tsu'tey kept his eyes on us the whole time we were talking.

~Tsu'tey's POV~

I was jealous of them. They were like a family, while I had none. I was brought out of my thoughts by Jessie who was shaking my shoulders.

~Normal POV~

I shook Tsu'tey. "Hey, Tsu'tey are you alright?" I asked. Tsu'tey kinda just looked at me blankly for a second and pushed my hands off his shoulders before turning away. 'What's up with him?' I thought to myself as I continued eating, after everyone was done we all headed to our hammocks or huts for those who had families or were mated and wanted privacy. As I laid in my hammock I thought about how Tsu'tey was acting. 'He looked jealous of the relationship between me, Jake and Neytiri...' I frowned. 'He shouldn't be jealous. I'll talk to him about it tomorrow..' I yawned and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

In the morning, I got up at dawn and made my way over to where Tsu'tey and I were practicing archery the other day. Tsu'tey was waiting for me with a bow and an arrow in hand, when I got over to him he handed me the bow and I made my stance, he had to help me a few times but I eventually got it right. I aimed and took a deep breath before letting it out and releasing my arrow. It hit the center perfectly and I smiled to myself, little did I know a certain Na'vi was smiling too. After a bit of combat training I asked Tsu'tey if I could explore the area for the rest of the day. He nodded a little bit and told me not to stay out too late and make sure to watch out for any palulukan. I thanked him and started to look around the area away from the training grounds. 'It's very pretty out here.' I said to myself. I sat at a nearby river and thought about when they would let me go on my Iknimaya to get my Ikran and become one of them. My human body was losing a lot of weight and muscle so I tried my best to gain it back outside of the link, I laughed a little.

"I guess it's what I get for spending so much time in this body..." I told myself out loud. I wondered if they could have me permanently in this body-- maybe I will ask Mo'at someday. I started walking back to Hometree just listening to the sounds of the animals. I really liked it out here.

When I got back to Hometree Tsu'tey was waiting for me so we could train some more. We started with shooting arrows on horseback, about three hours later he told me that I was ready for my Iknimaya, and I would be doing my Iknimaya in two days if I could get a clean kill on a Hexapede. I thanked him for training me and left to get some rest, even though I had the next two days off. I was determined to get that clean kill in the next few days. 

(Hope you liked this chapter! I also hope you enjoyed Tsu'tey's POV even though it was short :D) 

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