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The next few days went by pretty quickly, Neytiri and I had lots of fun together. Neytiri taught me how to basket weave and she taught me how to braid hair. The rest of the time I was usually talking with other Na'vi I had become friends with over time. Sometimes I would go out on rides by myself and just listen to the world around me. Though I never saw Tsu'tey around I would always wonder where he was but just assumed that he was busy doing his duties as a warrior. I didn't want to go asking around to see if anyone saw him because I think people would get the wrong idea and that would just be embarrassing.

The next morning, I woke up bright and early ready for my attempt at a clean kill though, I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, I really hoped I would get a clean kill because I wouldn't be able to do Iknimaya if I didn't. I wanted to make my mentor happy, I wanted to show him that his teachings were not useless. I walked over to where Tsu'tey and I would normally train and waited for him to show up. When Tsu'tey showed up we decided to train a bit more before I go to get my kill, while we were training Jake and Neytiri were getting ready to start training as well. The day before, Jake had told me that he had completed his training and would be doing the Iknimaya with me. I was happy for him and told him I hoped he would succeed in getting his Ikran as well as telling him to be careful. After training Tsu'tey explained to me how to get my Ikran.

"You will know which Ikran is yours when it tries to kill you." I listened to his words carefully, making sure I never missed a thing.
As we went to go find a Yerik to kill, Tsu'tey told me other things about the Iknimaya and how some of his friends had fallen off the cliffs and rocks on the way or they had gotten killed by the Ikran that chose them. I wondered why had chosen to share this with me but decided to stay focused on the task at hand.

Once we spotted the Yerik Tsu'tey lay in wait for me to make my kill, I killed it swiftly and precisely. I felt so proud of myself that evening that I was grinning from ear to ear the rest of the night, even when I wasn't linked to my avatar. 

In the morning I was up bright and early for my Iknimaya, I was so excited and did not think about possibly failing Tsu'tey.  Tsu'tey considered us friends and I wouldn't want to change that, EVER. Little did I know that something horrible was going to happen soon. I followed the rest of the group who were doing their Iknimaya too, being careful not to slip on rocks or fall off of the vines we had to climb on. I helped a few of my fellow Na'vi get on to the cliff we would be looking for Ikran at and even though they didn't thank me, I still felt that they were partially grateful for my help. 

One by one we walked through the waterfall, claiming our Ikran. It was my turn after Jake's and I was ready for anything.  
"Be ready, alright?" Tsu'tey had been telling me.
"I will!" I kept telling him.
Since we had gotten closer we tended to hang out together and when we weren't, we were always with someone who knew the other. Jake and Neytiri seemed to have something going on that they wouldn't tell us, but I figured one of these days we would either find out or we would be told. Hopefully it was something good and it wouldn't make Tsu'tey mad. I don't know what I would do if Tsu'tey got mad at us.

It was finally my turn and I stepped out into where the Ikran usually rested, I took a deep breath and walked forward slowly hoping that my Ikran would be somewhere near by. That's when I saw mine, she hissed at me as she turned around, having bright blue markings and a dark black body. She was nothing like any Ikran I had ever seen! I quickly pulled into action, wrapping her mouth closed with the vine wrap Tsu'tey gave me. I made the Tsaheylu with her as soon as she stopped thrashing, I was so relieved. 
"You must fly! That completes the bond!" Tsu'tey yelled at me from afar. I took to the skies like I had done this before. It was so....relaxing in a way. Before I knew it Tsu'tey was flying next to me, He looked proud even though it was hard to see since he rarely ever showed it.

After a short ride we all headed back with our Ikran, we had a ceremony for those who had gotten their Ikran and Mo'at told Jake and I that we were now one of the people. I had so much fun that day that I was completely exhausted when I went to sleep that night. 

(I know it's been FOREVER since I last updated haha. I should've updated A LOT sooner but I'm lazy and I just didn't really want to write this summer, very bad of me I know. I will try and write as much as I can but now that I'm in high school it might be a bit harder and will most likely take longer.) 

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