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Josie's pov

We were at school the announcement came on y/n and i have been together for a while "we are sorry to inform you that your fellow classmate y/n has gome missing we have found her blood on a park bench we again are sorry " i busyed out crying Valerie and melody came o er and hugged me i fell down and cried the last bell finally rang i ran out and passed y/n's locker it looks like when jason was dead but with y/n's y/s/j (your  sport jersey )  every one gathered around it i ram out and home i got out y/n' s 1975 sweatshirt and put it on it smelled like her i don't know how to get through this

1 year later -- still josie's pov

I was in science when the door opened i didn't look nobody did it hasn't been the same without y/n she's the life of the party someone pokedme i looked up and saw y/n "oh my god i miised you " i yelled everyone looked at me and i grabbed her face and kissed her betty,Veronica, Cheryl, kevin,archie,Reggie,jason,and Jughead ran in the grabbed her i let her go she granned my hand "i missed you too baby"
"Why did you leave then"  "to protect you "  "wait its her fault you went missing" Cheryl asked "no well in a way i needed to protect my girlfriend and if it meant leaving i would still do it so i did and i got a badass tattoo, but i never did watch the 100 so we have a show to binge "  "i love you y/n "i love you to baby girl"

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