notes and prologue

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Hey so I decided to Rewrite this story so I hope your not all to mad if you liked my other one but I will be trying to make this one better I just didn't like how the other one was going so here are some notes on the new story and the prologue
1.pan is chi-chi and goku's daughter so gohan and goten are her older brothers
2.this takes place on planet vegeta not earth so that means chi-chi and bulma are saiyans
3. There will be a little bit of cussing in this and maybe even a lemon in the future
4.this also happens after freza and his father and brother are killed but I'll explain more of that in the prologue
5. And finally I don't own dragon Ball z or dragon Ball gt all rights go to there original owners this is just for fun and please not hate comments on this couple I like them together if you have a problem with that then don't read if you do like them then please enjoy hope you ALL like this new story

It was a beautiful day on planet vegeta it's been two years since freza and his family were killed they had tried to destroy the saiyans home world but luckily for the saiyans they were saved from death by a brave saiyan named goku when he turned super saiyan and was able to destroy them he was named the hero of all saiyans but he was just glad he could protect his family and friends princes well now it's king vegeta was proud to be able to to call goku his friend because he saved his 4 year old son trunks and his pregnant wife bulma you see goku and vegeta  have been friends since they were kids goku has two son and one daughter the oldest of the sons name was gohan the second son was named goten and his youngest which was his daughter was named Pandora gohan was 10 when goten was born and goten was 3 when Pandora was born goten and trunks grow up as best friends and when trunks sister bulla was born Pandora and her become fast friends tho Pandora was 2 when bulla was born but that didn't stop them now in the present time Pandora or as most people call her pan is now 4 and bulla is 2 pan will be starting her training this year you see when saiyans turn 4 they are given the opportunity to triangle and become a fighter or a civilian and pan had chosen to become a fighter like her father and brothers tho her mother was not happy about it she respects her choice goku was happy that his daughter wanted to become a fighter gohan was worried about his baby sister because he nows that being a fighter is hard he nows since he is now 17 her second brother goten was glad that his baby sister was going to be a fighter because now he had someone else to train with that was close to his age of 7 even though he trains with the 8 year old prince trunks himself he still likes to train with other people but most of there saiyan children on planet vegeta choose to become civilians but now he has his sister to train and he can even teach her some techniques of his own  so that makes it even better for him the young goten could not keep the spring out of his step from how happy he was when he was on his way to the palace to train with his best friend prince trunks when he got to the gate he was let in by the guards  he walked to the palace training room when he got there he saw the king and lavender haired prince training in the corner of the room he saw nappa and his uncle raditz his grandfather burdock his grandmother gine and the queen bulam and the ex king vegeta " hey goten" goten turndown back to where the king and Prince were fighting and saw that they had stopped he also noticed that everyone in the room was now looking at him "hey trunk" goten said everyone in the room noticed  how happy his voice sounds and we're wounding why "you seem really happy today what's up" asked nappa " pan is going to start her training she chose to be a fighter and I'm really happy because I can teach her some of my own moves and techniques" answered goten slightly jumping up and down from how excited he is " wow that's so cool" said the young prince smiling tho the lavender haired prince was a bit jealous of his best friend he new his own sister was not going to be a fighter so he had no one he could help train and teach his own moves and techniques but he was still happy for his best friend " and that's not the best part though before I left her and gohan were sparing and I could tell that gohan was not holding back on her and she still won it was so cool not even if can beet gohan but she did " now this shocked everyone in the room and 4 year old who just started training today beet a 17 year old who has been training for 13 years raditz count help but chuckle at this "looks like we'll have one he'll of a good fighter on are side in the future"

I hope you all enjoyed this new chapter in have to say I like this one a lot better than the other one so far so I will be updating more maybe once a week and I'm sorry if you did like my other story I just didn't like it and I can write it if I don't like it oh and this chapter has 1008 word well bye

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