chapter four

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Mackenzie's POV

It's a quarter after one. We snuck out. Maddie, Kendall and I are all in the Jeep. We're going to find Brynn. I have to find her. My phone beeped and I opened it up, knowing it to be the kidnapper.

Unknown Number: Good to see you're on the road. Go to where you'd catch a tadpoles as a kid and you'll find a note under the bench.

"Maddie, where did we catch tadpoles as kids?" I asked, confused to this apparent game.

"At Roosevelt Park, with the other girls before Kendall came." My older sister turned to her best friend. "Drive to Roosevelt Park." She told Kendall.

"Already on it." Kendall replied before taking a sip of her 7-Eleven coffee we were all drinking to stay awake.

"You don't remember when we used to catch tadpoles?" Maddie turned towards me and asked. I shook my head in response.

"Well it was when you were little. We used to go with Chloe and Brooke and Paige and Nia. I don't know how you don't remember. You used to cry when the tadpoles wouldn't turn into frogs." Maddie laughed as she explained the tadpoles.

A short while later, Kendall pulled her Jeep into Roosevelt Park. Since it was late and no one was there, she parked right by the pond that Maddie called 'Tadpole Pond'. Next to the pond was a bench and underneath the bench, a note in manilla envelope.

I picked up the note and we all sat on the bench and opened it up. Inside the large envelope was a note, a clue and two pictures each of which were stapled to their respective paper. We decided to read the note first.

Kenzie, I know you're on your way to find me. Good luck, I know you can do this. I love you. Stay strong. And know that wherever I am, I'm okay. I'm being fed and everything. They're taking care of me. I promise. ~Brynn

Attached to her note was a picture of her inside a small room with a mattress covered with a thin blanket and a sheet with one pillow. There was a green sink and toilet in there too and a small foldable card table with a wooden chair. Brynn was sitting on the bed, staring at the camera without smiling. Her blue eyes were haunting me.

After pausing when seeing that picture, we decided to read the clue.

And on the top of the pyramid is... Well you'll have to go to the ALDC and find out who is at the top of my pyramid.

Attached to the clue was a picture of the original team in front of the ALDC. Kendall, Kalani, JoJo and Brynn were absent from the picture.

"It's definitely one of the older team members." I said when the three of us were back in the Jeep with blankets on our laps because Kendall NEEDED to have the AC on despite it being a cold summer night.

"Or a mother." Maddie pointed out.

"I didn't think of that." I admitted.

"Well, why not? I mean do you think any of the girls would kidnap Brynn?" Maddie asked.

"And you think the moms would?" I asked.

"They're crazy stage moms. All of them. Besides Holly." Maddie replied, facing forward now.

"The ALDC is so far from this side of town. They're sending us on a wild goose chase." Kendall whined.

"For Brynn, this isn't a wild goose chase. This is her life. It's in our hands and we have to save her."  I told Kendall.

About an hour later, we were at the ALDC. Maddie unlocked the door with a key Abby gave her a long time ago. The three of us walked inside, hand in hand. We went into the dancers den.

"All the memories," Maddie mumbled. Kendall and to snap her out of her trance to get her to follow us into Studio A. We saw a pyramid and all the pictures were covered by pieces of paper that read "Abby Lee Dance Company". I walked up to the pyramid and pulled at the bottom sheet.

"On the bottom of the pyramid is," I mocked Abby as I tore the sheet off to see Brynn's headshot. We pulled off the sheets and saw the pyramid.

From bottom to top it looked like -

Brynn, JoJo, Kalani, Kendall, Nia
Maddie, Me, Paige, Chloe

As we saw Chloe's headshot, someone emerged from the shadows. We were shocked to see the tall blonde who was always nice to everyone.

"Paige?" Kendall, Maddie and I asked in unison.

"I'm not alone." Paige told us in a whisper and Chloe walked up next to her.

"We're sorry we have to do this, guys." Chloe choked out. She looked upset.

"Do what?" I asked before I was knocked out.

what about brynn? {m•f•z}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें