chapter five

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When I woke up, I realized that I was in a room like the one in Brynn's picture. In fact, it was the same room. But Brynn was nowhere to be found. It was me and Chloe and Paige.

"Where's Brynn?" I asked the two tall blondes to no avail.

"Does your head hurt at all?" Chloe asked me as she examined my head with her long fingers, trying to see for bumps and bruises.

"Where the hell is Brynn?" I yanked away from Chloe's gentle touch. "You people said that if we found her, you wouldn't kill her."

"But you didn't find her." Chloe remarked, her head tilting.

"But I'm here. And Brynn must be here too. Brynn and Maddie and Kendall. We're all here and we're all going to get out. And when we do," I paused for dramatic effect. "You're going to prison for kidnapping."

"Are you hungry?" Paige asked, ignoring my entire rant.

"I'm not going to eat until you take me to Brynn." I folded my arms across my chest.

"Then starve." Paige whipped at me.

"A hunger strike won't do any good. It'll just be painful and end in your demise." Chloe tried to reason with me. She was always doing that, trying to help solve problems with her kind and caring voice.

"I don't care. I don't care about anything until I see Brynn and my sister and Kendall." I held back tears thinking about Maddie and Kendall again because they were here because of me. I could've gone to search for Brynn alone. But I dragged them into it. And now we've all been kidnapped. And it was all my fault.

"We'll discuss it with our superiors." Chloe smiled at me sympathetically.

"Are your superiors your moms?" I asked sarcastically. But obviously, Paige and Chloe ignored this remark like they did most everything I've said.

"We should go check on the others." Paige reminded Chloe before they opened the door and left. I heard it lock from the outside.

I fell back onto the plain mattress before eyeing my bags for the trip. I jumped up off the bed and went over the them. I sat on the concrete floor and unzipped the bags.

The one with my clothes and electronics was mainly untouched, aside from my electronics being removed. But after searching around, I found my iPod Nano with my headphones and my disabled iPod touch, along with each ones charger, at the bottom of the bag. Chloe and Paige couldn't deprive people of music.

I went into my other bag which had my blankets and pillows, I pulled them out and put them onto the mattress. After I did that, I bundled up and went to sleep.

For days this was what I did. I demanded to see Maddie, Brynn and Kendall. I played on the iPod that had no way to get online or text anyone. It had games and things like that. I listened to music. I stayed on my hunger strike and I slept.

After being there for about five days, I woke up to see Chloe and Paige again. "Come on Kenzie, you're going to see the other girls." Chloe told me, grabbing my hand. Before I could realize what was happening, I had handcuffs on my wrists and I was being hauled by the elbows to see everyone else. Despite being kidnapped, at this very moment, I couldn't be any happier.

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