Chapter 3 Castiel

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Sam, we got a case." Dean said, putting the phone down "Really? What are we gonna do about......?" "Y/n" you said sitting up. "Yeah what are we gonna do about Y/n?" Sam corrected. Dean snapped his fingers "Cas can watch her." Sam looked a little worried "You sure? He might try to kill her." Dean gave a face "Don't worry. Plus, what can he do? She's a mutant, she'll be fine." Sam turned to you and pet you and you purred "Hey Cas we got a job for you." Sam said. Then, out of nowhere a man in a trench coat appeared. You sulked behind Sam, not really sure what to make of him. He had some sort of energy coming off him. He had black hair and he instantly turned to you like he could sense you, and stared at you with gorgeous blue eyes that sparkled like the sea. "Who is she?" He said sternly with a voice you couldn't quite describe, but you loved it. You crawled out from behind Sam "M-my name is Y-y/n and im a m-mutant." you said blushing lightly. He gave you an uncertain look (he always does that its just his thing) "Hello, im Castiel, angel of the Lord."

Hey guys, I won't be able to update very often because I now have to share my tablet so be prepared for less updates

Hope you enjoyed!

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