The Whitehunters

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Thanks for giving this one a shot! :D
Seriously, thanks. This is my first draft of the Fantasy Academy series...well at least I hope it will become one. I'm not sure how this will turn out, honestly. I'm sorry for any grammatical mistakes, I barely did any proofreading. Well, I hope you enjoy.

"Why do everyone seem to hate eclipses?" A little brunette girl asked. Luna felt herself tensing slightly. She wasn't sure if a little girl was supposed to know this...

"You can tell me, I'm a big girl, I'll be brave!"

A small smile tugged at the older girl's lips.
"Why don't you go to your mommy now? The market entrance is over there." Luna pointed at their left. The market was always empty these days.


"Look, your mommy's waiting over there, see?"

"Aww.." sighing, she ran over to a woman with a basket in hand was standing on the entrance, where the first stalls stood. She welcomed the little girl with a hug and looked to Luna, mouthing a thank you before leaving.

"What, are you slacking off Luna?" Luna heard a familiar voice sound behind her.

"You almost scared me." Luna stood up and dusted off her blue pants before turning around to meet her sister Sara Whitehunter. She also had to look down on her.

"Come on! The wood isn't going to collect itself, we have to do this! And I don't even like climbing trees."

"You're not the one climbing. Just collecting the ones I threw-"

"Yeah yeah, lets get back to work shall we? It's the eclipse tomorrow. Let's make sure no one dies." Sara turns around, her long skirt brushed atop the piling snow. They started trekking up the hill behind them, leaving deep footprints with their boots.

The eclipse was tomorrow and there was no avoiding it. They'd have to live through it somehow. Children and adults alike gather around different bonfires, lit throughout the village. If a fire goes out, the demons, and possibly their creator, the witches will go and kill everyone around it. Few are able to escape such a thing.

"Sara, catch!" Luna called down from one of the higher branches of a pine tree down to her sister. She threw the dried branches she'd broken from the tree down. The rough texture of the bark and the cold snow came into contact with her hands as she climbed up for more-she shouldn't wear gloves when she was climbing.
"Be careful up there!"


Luna made sure the branches she would step on were firmly attached to the tree, but none the less, she slipped on the snow.


"Its alright, I'm fine!" She was firmly holding on and lowering herself down.

"I guess that's it for this one. I'm coming down!

"Be careful!"

She swung herself down, earning a few flinches from her sister as she watched. "Do you think that's enough?"
Luna shrugged.

They took hold of all the wood they gathered and walked their way back to the village. The distant houses had smoke rising from the chimney and snow covering the roof. They could even see the square from where they were. That was where the biggest houses were built, and where the biggest fire will be lit. The pebbles on the ground were aligned into a path and they knew they were reaching the village. Just pass the bushes and the trees and vines, there was the tiny village they were from. The sun started to set. Luna never felt like the day would come to an end this easily. But everyone knows it like a fact, even if it weren't their main focus, that no matter what happens the sun will continue to rise and set just like any and every other day.

The people were all busy, playing the roles they were given and running about. They treaded through the snow and dropped off their wood, the smell of smoke and cooking dinner filled their nostrils, instantly reminding Luna of home. The ores placed around the house started to glow, giving off faint light as the young night started, and they saw above their heads that the moon was nearly round. The sibling s hurried home.

After turning a few corners from the square, they reached a long pathway, just cleared of snow. They remembered the fire magicians cleaning it that morning. They walked down quietly and stopped at the third house from the last, and Luna went to knock the door.

"We're home!"

"You're late! Dinner's ready." Their mother replied, a slight strain in her voice.

"Thanks mom," they choir.

The house was a two story home with two bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a living room and a bathroom, where they entered the house. A big red armchair sat in front of the lit fireplace with a folded newspaper lying on the seat. They entered the doorframe to the right, entering the dining room and washed their hands before joining their parents. Dinner was already on the table, fresh and smelling delicious.

"Fill up. Tomorrow's going to be a busy day." Their mother noted. They were already eating and asking for seconds. After their line of work, Luna especially climbing trees after trees for an entire afternoon, she was hungry for sure.
"The food's not going anywhere, kids. Eat slowly, you'll choke." Their father chuckled, finishing up his meal. "I'll be going upstairs now. More paperworks to do." And then he left.

Their father worked in a nearby town and travels there in train. But they won't let him stay there for the eclipse, the royalty will be there.

"Well, I'll be working too. I'm going to the library now. Just tell me when you need anything, alright?" Their mother smiled, walking over to give them each a kiss on the forehead. "Otherwise, sleep tight."

"Same to you, mom," Luna smiled. Sara nodded.

They pretended nothing was going to happen for the night, but Luna was surprised how well the unsaid promise went. No one mentioned the demons, no one mentioned the eclipse. Not during dinner—so no one would throw up to stress.
They could see the forest getting darker and darker from their single bedroom window next to Sara's bed. Fireflies started revealing themselves and the glowing ore lights were brighter than ever. The night was dark, but young, the sky twinkling with stars, mocking them of what was to come. The elder sibling looked outside to the scenery longingly.

"Luna?" Sara called before Luna could lose consciousness.


"Can you pray with me? That we don't die tomorrow?"

"Yeah alright"

They sat cross legged in their beds and clasped their hands together near their pillow and chanted: "Nos imprecor viverae alias dias"

We wish to live another day.

Well...I know it could've gone better. But what do you expect? It's the first draft! Well, feel free to leave your comments and vote (if you want to) and I'll really appreciate your feedback! See ya later~~

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