Second Chance

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Eheheh...yeah... here ya go. :) Thanks for all the responses and the votes ^^ And I'll take any feedbacks, so if you find any mistakes, point them out!

A series of scream started, leaving them stunned. They were about to run, turn away as quickly as they could but the blood splattered into their clothes. The barrier protectors were dead. The couldn't see the dome anymore. Suddenly, the moonlight was blacked out, leaving the blazing flames. She looked up and saw the clouds gathering around.
The air grew colder and colder, even as they neared the fire. And ever so suddenly, Luna could see flakes of snow and strong gusts of wind, sending the fire out as easy as blowing out a candle. That was when the screams began.

Luna wasn't able to see her hands. It was pitch black, but she could hear all the screams rising.

"Luna, Sara!" It was their father. He was very near.

"We're here," Luna called back.

"RUN! We won't hold on much longer, go as far as you can." He ordered. "Be as quiet as you can from now. Move!" His words of advise went on and on, joined by their mother as they quietly moved around to blind themselves from the witch and demons.

"Now, just run." Their mother ordered. "Be careful now. We might not be able to follow you everywhere, look after each other, alright?"

Luna knew what she was saying. When a witch takes a person's soul, they turn into a demon. Their consciousness are lost until the demon hunters come to release their souls by killing them..,this was goodbye.
"Make lots of friends." Their dad joined. "Be healthy and be strong. Stay alive. Whatever you do, know that-" apparently, he was cut short. A little giggle sounded.

"Another soul for me..."

"Know that we love you. Now run!"

"Sara!" Luna hissed. "Where are you?"

Someone reached to take Luna's hand. She grasped it firmly and dragged it along, running into the forest and not looking back.

"Luna, where are we going?"

"Far away from here. We'll stop when we need to. Now, just run."
The snow was leaving trails underneath their feet, but she d didn't care. They rushed past the bushes, the trees and the vines. When she was certain she was far away, she stopped, breathing heavily and collapsing down to the ground.

"You're such a coward!"

Luna froze. "Why are you saying this now?" She whimpered.

"Families are always supposed to stay together, right?"

Luna couldn't catch her breath. She was so scared, she could barely move from her spot. "I...I couldn't..."

The red moonlight started to gleam down again.
That was when she saw...the person who was with her this whole time, was the witch. She smirked...and then all Luna could feel was pain. Her last thought: how fitting...a lonely end for a coward.

"Luna! Luna, where are you?" Sara called into the darkness. No one answered. The screams were over. Sara managed to stay hidden in the bushes as the moonlight emerged. She heard footsteps. And in just a moment, she was silenced.

"No survivors this time. Shame." She heard the witch say. Sara froze. Was her sister already dead? she clasped her hands over her mouth to keep her burning throat from crying out, only leaving the tears to spill from her eyes. She was now...alone.

"Goodbye, Eltale. Now and forever." The witch mused. There was a sudden gust of wind. And she was certain the damn witch was gone. Sara cried, screamed, and prayed...but she knew all too well. Her sister was not coming back.
She curled herself into a ball, shivering from the thick snow underneath her and the cold air around her. Her sister could've been here to light a fire. She was the braver one, after all. She was bravo enough to move, to run, to act. Maybe...just maybe, she might still be alive. She took out a pocket watch in her jacket. The moon will go down soon, but she wouldn't wait.

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