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"We should go find some food." Sara suggested. "Maybe go scavenging in our houses. There'll be bread, at least."


They gathered as much as they can, and stuffed them all into the biggest bag they could find in the house, capable of fitting Sara inside. There were some medicines Sara was familiar with. They took that, too. As they left the house with heavy baggage in their hands, Luna paid one last respect to the dead, setting the bags down, clasped her had together, and prayed for their peace.

The she turned around, not looking back. "Come on. Let's go, Sara."

"Where do we go?"

"There's a small stream in the forest, there's water all year long. Spring's starting soon. We'll find a village, and we'll learn magic. Somehow."

"Then what?"

"Then...we go into Fantasy Academy. There will be information about where we can find the witch....and we go kill it."
"Sounds hard. Two young elves killing a witch. Think we could pull it off?" Sara said, following Luna into the forest.

"Believe me, I'm just as vengeful as you are. We grew up together, do you think I wouldn't know how you felt?"

"I know that, but—"

"Let's make this clear before we dive into it Sara. Do you want to kill the damn witch or not?"

"Hell, yes. It almost took you away, and it killed our parents."

"Alright. So no matter how hard this is, there's no going back. Alright?"

"Yeah." The elder sister smiled, for the first time that day. Ever so grateful there was someone who has her back. "Let's go then." And they walked into the long pathway in the forest, not looking back.

The forest was a somewhat magical place. Some trees still had leaves even though there was snow. The ground had some blooming flowers. Eltale have always had a touch of spring to it, the cool air in summer, the flowers in winter and the shades of green in autumn. It was named for the season of beginning.

Alas, the sun was going down.
They stopped their traveling, and decided to take a rest for the night. Luna climbed up some trees to get dry branches. The lessons taken in that village was so worth it. She lit the fire within a few tries, and they had the plain bread.

"I wish we had some jam to go with this..." Sara sighed.

"I got all the money out. There's some jam in the bottom of the bag."

It wasn't until a few days until they got used to the nature, the crickets chirping next to their ear and the owls hitting on the branch above their heads at night. The night was undoubtedly horrifying, but Luna stayed up to keep the fire lit, looking blankly at the dimming light before spacing out.
The next thing, it was already morning. That happens often. But it was the bright sunlight that she was not so used to. They would travel in the morning, mostly to avoid the heat and the high humidity.

"Luna, you won't believe what I just saw!" Sara's face was unusually lit with a mixture of joy and relief, a good sign for that matter. They've been in the forest for a few weeks. Luna had her back against a tree while her sister ran back from a little walk of hers. She was getting better at walking quietly, to Luna's pride of being her teacher. Spring was blooming into view sooner than they'd thought. The colorful flowers were sprouting from the ground, and they were taking a break from the scorching sun.

"What's up?"

"I saw smoke; you know what that means, right? Humanoids, and that means we'll have a place to live! Or maybe found a direction to a village, or...or..."

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