7. Already a Piece

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Realising that I have seen him trying to cover it up, he doesn't bluff, and gets straight to the point. He looks at Peeta and I slowly, with a look that is familiar to hunters. It's how the helpless animals look around where they are to determine the level of danger they are in. And by the looks of it, Haymitch doesn't seem to be liking the situation he is in.

Peeta stands still, demanding an answer. I try to focus, but I can't get past the smell of the roses. I was right. In Johanna's house, the smell is stronger. Wait. It's Johanna's house. Oh. I was right. They are working together. Haymitch opens his mouth slowly.

'I... was... just... looking out for you,' he says. But from all those years of looking after him, I can tell if he's lying. Just like when he says he already chucked the liquor out, I can see the shade of guiltiness flash past his eyes. Peeta doesn't believe it either. He stares at Haymitch, and waits patiently. Haymitch walks over to the kitchen. He opens the bottom cabinet and takes out some sort of alcohol. He opens the cap and takes a swig. He hands one out to us, but we both shake our heads.

He coughs, and his diluted pupils become foggy. I can tell how bad in shape he is, but I can't help him. For all I know, he might be trying to kill me right now. I look out the window, and see how dark it is. My heart thuds as I think of the kids alone, especially on the last day before I leave for the Capitol.

'Make it quick,' I say. 'What were you doing really?' Haymitch puts on a look like he doesn't get what I'm talking about. I sigh, and try to persuade him.

'Haymitch. I'm gonna find out anyway. You know me better than myself,' I yell. And he must realise that it is true.

'Johanna invited me,' he says, his speech slurring. 'I came in, and it was already on her T.V. I started to watch. I had nothing else to do.'

'Then where's Johanna now?' Peeta asks.

'Dunno. She never came.' I freeze for a moment. Is Haymitch telling the truth? Can I believe him? After all, he is like a father to me. There when no one else was. On the other hand, I already told Peeta to not trust anyone he had doubts about. And I have a bad feeling about Haymitch. I can either believe or not believe, but I know that he won't tell us any more than this.

I nod, pretending that I am satisfied. I look out the window again, and see how late it's getting. Peeta must've seen me because he also looks worried. Haymitch smiles. Just as I am about to walk out the door, I remember something.

'Hey Haymitch, are you my mentor this year?' He shakes his head, and points with his bottle to Peeta. 'He is, sweetheart.' Peeta and I look at eachother, puzzled, though this was a definite possibility. Haymitch shrugs, and carries on drinking. Peeta sighs and takes my hand, while we walk out the door.

As the wind blows past my face, I feel something strange. Like someone's watching me. I know that it is not Peeta, because I am holding his hand. Who could it be? Haymitch, getting home too? I spin around, as the smell of artificial roses once again drift through my nose. This time it isn't quite sickening. Just annoying like an old friend who visits too much. I spin around instantly. And there's Johanna, holding a small axe. She smiles at me crazily. And laughs. It's so high pitched that it doesn't seem like her.

She raises her axe, and from my instincts, I pull up an arrow. She grins. What's wrong with her? And just as I'm about to let go, and aim it not at her heart but someplace important like her leg, Peeta screams. Johanna, off guard, reacts almost instantly. She pounds the axe on my shoulder, though I am sure she was aiming for my head. As the pain sinks into my arm, I collapse, hitting my head hard on the floor.

The last thing that I see before I pass out is Peeta screaming and getting my arrows, trying his best to shoot them. Though not as skilled as me, he can aim. And he shoots her on her head. She should have fell instantly. She should have dropped, with an expression that is so painful to even look at. She should've died. But she doesn't. She doesn't fall straight away. She smiles and cracks up laughing, before falling on the ground and twitching. A couple of seconds later, she stops. She's still.

But when I catch a glimpse of her eyes, it doesn't look like she was in pain. In fact, she looks happy.

Peeta rushes over to my side. I hear Haymitch running out of the house too.

And that is the moment, that I hear the cannon firing. And not in my head either, but in real life. That's when I realise why Haymitch was filming us. Why it got so windy so suddenly. Why I hadn't seen the kids since last night. This is the Hunger Games. I was already playing. I was already a piece in their games.

Thank you so much for reading! I can't believe that nearly 200 people have read this. I hope you enjoy it and PLEASE leave comments, I am dying to hear what you think about the book!

I was gonna pause with this and see how many views it gets, but I can't resist! So just please comments on who you think should play President Paylor! I have Angelina Jolie, as she has this chilling intensity but I really can't imagine her as Paylor. Any suggestions?

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