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Ally's POV

After the game, Camila and i went straight down towards Lauren and her friends."Lauren!!" I shouted and she looked at me, she smiled at me and i looked over at Camila and smiled at her too."Hi, this is Camila. I met her at Music today. Camila, this is Lauren. My roommate." I said and smiled at the both of them. They shaked hands and smiled at each other."Oh.. So.. Umm, this is Normani and Dinah. My bestfriends." Lauren said as if she doesn't know what to do. I smiled because she is being nervous but i just shook it off and shaked Normani and Dinah's hands."Hi!! You both wanna sit with us? We're having lunch now?" Dinah asked and i looked over at Camila. She shook her head and mouthed 'practice' to me and i closed my eyes. I almost forgot."Oh shoot. Im sorry we can't. We're having um.. practice coz we'll be performing later." I said and i saw Lauren staring at me."Performing for what?" Normani asked."For the whole school. There'll be a program later for y'all because of you having the W. We've been practicing this just to be prepared if ever you guys win." I explained and they all nodded."Ally, we have to go." Camila whispered and i smiled."We have to go. Lauren, you did amazing today." I said and she looked at me and smiled. My heart skipped a beat."Thank you, Ally." She said. She walked away and Dinah and Normani just looked at her."See you guys." Camila said then grabbed my hand and we took off to Music Room...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We finished practice awhile ago and we are now backstage in the auditorium getting prepped for the program they all prepared for the woman's basketball team."Ally are you ready?" The host said and i shook my head."No.. n-no.. I can't do this." I said and started crying. I'm having a panic attack. My heart is pumping so fast."Ally, we don't need this right now!! The program is about to start and your team would be the first one to perform!!" The host shouted at me and i just closed my eyes with tears falling down my face."Stop yelling at her." I heard someone and the host put up both of her hands and walked away. I looked over and saw Lauren walking towards me."Are you okay?" She asked with her hands on her pocket. I just played with my fingers and shook my head."Why are y-you here? You s-should be at t-the a-audience." I said and started crying again. I can't do this. There's so many people out there. No.."Ally, look at me." She said and i still cried."Ally." She said then held my face with both of her hands."You can do it okay? I'll be out there. If you ever feel nervous, just look at me." She said then wiped away my tears. I can't believe this. I thought she hates me?"O-okay." I said and nodded my head."Go break a leg." She smiled and walked away. I faced the other side and exhaled deeply. I can do this."READY?!" The host asked and i nodded. She started to open the program and they sang the school hymn."Alright, first! Congratulations to our Woman's basketball team for grabbing that W!" I heard the host said and everyone clapped their hands and woeeed."So to sing a song about girl power, please welcome Ally Brooke and Camila Cabello with their girls!!" The host shouted and we walked towards the stage. We positioned ourselves on the the right position and i exhaled deeply. We are wearing a plaid skirt with a thin short inside just for safety coz we'll be doing a choreo too and a long sleeve white crop top.I looked at the audience and saw Lauren with Dinah and Normani sitting in the front row. I heard the music started playing and they all screamed cause this song is famous because of its message and duh, Fifth Harmony sung it.

Who's been working so damn hard you got that head on overload?Got yourself this flawless bodyAching now from head to toeAin't nothing, ain't nothingAll my ladies 'round the worldAin't nothing, ain't nothingGood girls better get badWe danced while singing it and all the people in the auditorium started screaming and singing along. I saw Lauren and her friend up on their feet dancing.You've been down beforeYou've been hurt beforeYou got up beforeYou'll be good to go, good to goDestiny said it, you got to get up and get itGet mad independent and don't you ever forget itGot some dirt on your shoulderThen let me brush it off for yaIf you're feeling me, put your five highThat's my girlI just looked at Lauren while dancing my ass off and she never took her sight off of me. She watched me dance and sing the song and she's smiling from ear to ear.That's my girlThat's my girlThat's my girl(Get up, what you waiting for?)That's my girlThat's my girlThat's my girlI pointed towards Lauren while singing the 'That's my girl' part and she just smiled at me.
We continued our performance and after we finished, they all clapped their hands and screamed at the rop of their lungs. I saw Lauren clapping her hands wildly and she put out her thumbs up to me. I smiled and ww walked off the stage. After the performance I was exhausted for 2 reasons... the first being I had just had a panic attack 5 minutes ago... and the second being I had just performed after such a long day of college. All I wanted to do was sleep but I had to find Lauren and get back to the dorm.
Ally's POV
After 30 minutes me and Lauren had got back into our dorm and she was in her room watching Netflix. I had just showered and changed into my pyjamas ready to just fall onto my bed and go to sleep. But something lurked in my stomach an empty feeling but a feeling of want and I wanted love. I wanted Lauren to love me. And I wanted to love her. Today I saw the real Lauren. Or maybe the Lauren I wanted to see. Either way I like the Lauren that was with us tonight. I really did.
Lauren's POV
After the game I was exhausted, I glanced over manis shoulder and saw Camila and Ally shouting my name! Chanting like I was someone important. Damn that girl is honestly obsessed with me I thought to myself. I asked Camila and ally if they wanted to eat lunch with us since we'd just finished practice and we were so hungry but they had to practice for some talent show thing. Apparently it was in front of the whole school. Maybe I'll go and watch. "Bye guys, and Lauren you did absolutely amazing tonight" ally spluttered out. I smiled widely and replied with a simple thank you. Dinah and mani were introduced to ally and she seemed a little anxious to me but nobody else really noticed. Sometimes I feel like I know people better then themselves. I quickly gobbled down my mac and cheese and headed down to where the where the performances were taking place. Suddenly I heard the host shouting at someone backstage so I went to check out what was happening. It was ally. The host was shouting at ally. She looked so nervous.  The host continued to yell at ally. "Hey stop yelling at her" I shouted. The host walked away quickly. "Hey ally are you okay babe?" She played with her fingers and looked down avoiding eye contact. "Lauren why are you here? You should be in the audience" she said quickly. "I can't do this I can't, everyone will stare at me and laugh and I just-" I cut her off. "Ally no. Look at me. Ally continued to sob. It broke my heart to see her like this. I can't believe I was so mean to her. I held her head with my hands and said "you can do it okay?" A part of me wanted to kiss her passionately. But I couldn't. Not now. "You can do this okay?, if you get nervous look for me in the crowed ally" she thanked me and we hugged.
After the show (which ally smashed in the end) we walked back to our dorm. We told eachother a little more about ourselves and it finally hit me how much I loved her. Which I obviously couldn't tell her. When I got back I must have been so sleepy I fell asleep on the couch. I didn't even have a shower or have dinner. I had just woken up randomly I checked the time and it was 1am ally was probably sleeping so I thought I'd just get changed out of my uniform and go back to sleep Instead of having a shower and making food. I was scared id wake the small girl up. She had, had a bad day and the panic attack she endured must have drained her energy. I turned the tv on and watched Netflix. I'm pretty sure after that I was in the stage of sleep when I am sleeping but I can still hear and feel what's going on. I could hear footsteps. I knew it was ally. Part of me wanted to check on her and part of me wanted to ignore her. In me somewhere was hatred for ally. I didn't know why. It was just there however a part of me loved ally. I heard my door open. I could hear soft breathing next to me. And suddenly a small kiss placed on my head. A part of me wanted to get up and ask ally what the fuck she was doing. But another wanted more. What was ally doing?

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