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1 year later
I place a red rose on Ally's grave every day. And trace my fingertips over the smooth engraved letters which spell out my lovers name. It's a year since you've been gone. I still remember the phone call and how it ended. Not a second goes by without me thinking about you. I moved into our apartment. I got us a dog. I named her zoey so it would remind you of home. I never got rid of your things. A part of me thinks you'll walk through the door and say it was a mistake. Another part of me thinks we'll be together someday, sometime in another life together. I know you're my guardian angel. I know you're here with me and that you'd want me to enjoy the life I have. I still remember when you were in the icu. An hour precisely since you left the world. It was family visitors only. I snuck in anyway. I knew it was going to be the last time I'd see your beautiful face. Although you had many tubes and wires connected to your small frame, your hands were still your hands. Painted a pink colour. I wear that colour almost every day. Although I should really find a new colour. Anyway. I know you can here me and although I can't hear you I'm pretty sure you're ugly crying telling me to into the warm and think happy thoughts. The day of your funeral I placed a ring on your finger. You didn't ever answer to my proposal and I never got to ask. But this gives you plenty of time to organise our wedding up there for me when I get to you again. I'm getting pretty chilly now my love, I wish I could stay all day and talk to you but I know you'd want me to stay warm. I love you ally. See you tomorrow. I'm glad we were more than just roommates.

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