"The Books of Percy"- Chapter 4

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Percy sighed and rolled over on the comfortable bed he was given. Across from him, a small wooden desk sat. A stack of books was on it, he hadn't the chance to see what they were yet. A closet was the only other thing in the bedroom. Despite being in Arcadia, in a palace no less, Chaos did not believe in being extra. Because Percy was a commander, he had the privilege of having his own bath-bedroom. Others, soldiers, had to share with one or two other people depending on rank.

He was shirtless at the moment, so as he slid out of bed he walked over to the small closet. Opening it, he surveyed his options. What had happened to his old shirt, he had no idea, so instead he grabbed a few random things. A pair of loose combat pants and a black shirt made of a strange, soft but heavy, material. Quickly dressing he wandered over to the desk. He had to think about who he wanted his Revivals to be. He couldn't just pick anybody. They had to be strong and someone he would trust. He subconsciously wondered if he could choose people who had chosen rebirth.

The desk had no chair, so he opted to kneel in front of it. As soon as he started to crouch however he was met with some form of resistance. He snorted.

"Of course. If I can walk on air, why not sit on it?" He relaxed into the bench.

A single pen sat on the desk, alongside the blank books. Black covers with no writing. Curiously, he reached out and touched the books.

A sharp pain ran through his head as his hand was suddenly stuck on the book. He grit his teeth as the pain grew and grew and grew. Just when he thought he couldn't take it anymore, or that he was about to crack his jaw from clenching so hard, it stopped.

Percy shoved himself away from the desk, gripping his head which was now throbbing. He stumbled to the bathroom, eyes blurry. He stubbed his toe on the way in of course. Dam cabinet.

The sink was strange, and really annoying. He waved his hand under it, like you do at public restrooms, because there was no handle. It didn't work. He did it agin, feeling like he was going to pass out. This time, clear water gushed out he leaned forward to splash it on his face when it stopped again.

"Di Immortals, can I get a break?" He swiped his hand and leaned forward really quickly. Enough water splashed on his face to dissipate, although not eradicate, his headache. A few more rounds of this made it almost nonexistent.

He walked back out into the room and sat down in front of his desk. Something was different though, the black books were no longer black. Nor were they blank. Sheets of paper filled with words were scattered across the desk, and a jar full of pencils, just like the one he had at home, sat there.

He picked up the first book. The side had a basic roman numeral one. The front had the same thing with text underneath reading : Perseus Achilles Jackson- The Lighting Thief. He froze. His breath caught as he glanced at the cover, threatening for him to break down into tears yet again.

A young Percy sat in a bus seat, grinning at Annabeth and Grover next to him. A backpack sat in his lap. A pen twirled in his hand.

Opening it to the first page, Percy scanned the lines and lines of text. His dyslexia didn't bother him which was strange, because he was sure it was in English.

Look, I never wanted to be a demigod.

Percy slammed the book shut, taking deep shuddering gasps. Tears leaked from his eyes. Was this Chaos' idea of a joke? He laid his head on the cool desk, eyes closed. Why was his inner monologue from the first quest in a book?

His eyes snapped open as he saw the roman numerals on the next books. II, III, IV,V,VI, and so on. He looked at the front of the books, more names running through his head.

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