The Stranger

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Fuck!!! Fucckkk!!!! It won't lock I said "Lock the door Charlie he's coming up the stairs" Sarah yelled it won't lock I yelled at her. The stranger was coming up the stairs as we barricaded our selves in this boarded up building in this abandoned warehouse we fount not to far off the interstate in Albany,Texas just two dumb young adults trying find a place to fuck! And we came across this stranger who was jus starring at us from the street when we approached the building. We asked was he okay he jus glared at us with this evil look and a dirty smirk on his face. He's a Caucasian male looks to be in his mid- 30's. With torn clothing and dirty dark blue jeans. With a long shitty brown trench coat that had patches of holes in it. The stranger pulled out a bandana that was black and seems to have red stains on it as if it was dried up blood. He was standing bout a few feet from us for me to make all of this out. Are you lost sir you need to use a phone or something.? Sarah asked him. He ignored her as if he wasn't interested in what she was saying and he tied the bandana around his face covering his nose and mouth. He then put his hands in his pockets and jus stood there...I suddenly jus got a really bad feeling and the urge that we need to get outta of here but the car was 2 miles up the road so we wouldn't be spotted by police in this abandoned facility. Sarah I whispered barley moving my lips.... yea she said I can hear the fear in her voice shaking and trembling at the same time..."I think we need to get outta here and try to find help asap I whispered to her. What should we do she whispered back the car is way up the street and our phones are in the car she also said. Fuccckk!!!! I forgot thinking to myself I'm scared shitless but I gotta be brave for the both of us....I focus my attention back the stranger never taking my eyes off him he suddenly began pacing back and forth as if he's waiting for something. Hey! Man look I don't no what the fuck yo problem is but you need to take yo ass on some fucking whea!!! I yelled at him hoping to scare or put a little fear in him... but it did nothing he was still pacing back and forth.. glaring at the both us...I'll call the police Sarah said loudly.. Still nothing fazed the stranger still pacing..I guess u wanna get the shit smacked outta u then since u act like u can't fucking hear then I said yelling at him " Damn what u wanna see me get my dick sucked or something you fucking faggot!!!" Hell im trying to fuck my girlfriend here and yo raggedy ass show up outta no where!!! Charlie stop! Sarah said you gone make him mad I don't give a fuck Sarah I said yelling at this point this muthafucker ain't bout that life with this bullshit ass get up he got on tryna fucking scare somebody!! I said even louder at this point I can feel my blood boiling and me getting madder by the second. I may be 5 foot 7 but I can whoop this fool I said I started walking towards the stranger trying to show Sarah I will protect her against anything even tho I'm bout seconds away from shitting my shorts and piss coming down my legs and all over my shoes! Aye! You lil bitch I said to the stranger suddenly the stranger stopped pacing and turn directly towards me! Our eyes locked and he pulled his hands outta his trench coat pockets and what he pulled out had me frozen in fear in one hand a long curved hand made knife and in the other what seemed to be a human heart or what was left of it... I turned and looked at Sarah and with every once of breath I had left I yelled RUUUNNNNNN!!!!!

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