Stranded On I-75 -Part Two

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I'm tired and I'm ready to lay down....Melissa said "You've been complaining for the last thirty-five minutes!" Like can you please just chill for a minute so I can figure out how we gonna get outta here I told her. But I'm tired and hungry and I'm dying of fucking thirst she whined. Ugh! I let out a deep sigh and jus turnt my head where I didn't have to look at her. We've been walking at least a little over a mile and half now as I turn and glance behind me the truck was no where in sight. And the sun as went down and it's starting to get a little chilly out. We're literally stranded i said to her and she jus looked at me and yelled "You Fucking Think!?!" I should've took my ass to Freddie's pool party and shook my ass to some reggae music instead but no u insisted I come with you!! She screamed. Look we're both out here not just you I'm stranded out here with your stuck up ass! I snapped back at her arguing isn't going to get us home so jus shut the hell up with your complaining! Fine she said I won't say another mutha fucking word then! She added. Good at least I can get some peace and quiet I said in a low tone of voice. I look up ahead and I saw something not to far from the road which looked like a highway street sign or some highway marker. Look! I said as I pointed to the sign ahead "Maybe we can get some since or sort of direction of where we are I said. As we approached the sign it was cover in dirt and smeared all over the front of the sign. As I took both of my hands and began to try to uncover the sign dust and dirt began to fill the air. I started to cough as some of it got on my nose and mouth fucckkk!! I said this shit is fucking disgusting I said out loud and I finally managed to get the sign some what clear I took a step back. Where melissa stood and we just stood there staring at the sign trying to make out whatever scrambled gibberish it said..I think it says I-seventy-five she said yea it seems like that's what it says I said but I'm not sure where that is I didn't even see it on the map we had in the truck I told her. I began to scratch my head and looked around to get a good look of where we was. And nothing but endless road that lead straight ahead and endless desert that went on and on. The night sky was shinning extremely bright and the stars was scattered on the midnight black sky everywhere. "I'm not gonna lie" Melissa begun I'm starting to get a little scared she said "Aaaawwww do you need me to hold your hand" I said cracking up with laughter. Your an grade A" ass whole!! She said I could feel the tension between us at this point. Look I said grabbing her by the hand it will be okay will get outta this trust me I said trying to comfort her. Suddenly I hear what seems to be a motor or engine approaching you hear that I said letting her hand go and trying to see what direction I could hear whatever it was coming from. Sounds like a car Melissa said "Probably but I can't tell I replied it was getting louder and sounded like it was coming either from behind or in front of us. Then we saw two headlights what seemed to be very dim and not to bright on a small compact car. We stood directly in the middle of the road waving our hands constantly in distress trying to signal the cars attention. The car suddenly stopped in its tracks and didn't move "Whhhaattt I said on complete shock I can't believe this shit I said I can feel my face getting hot as I was getting pissed the nerve of this ass whole I said "Heyyyyyyy!!!!! I yelled We Need Help!!! I screamed towards the cars direction "what's the problem" Melissa whispered. I don't know" I said back in a low tone then the car began to creep towards us. Back up!! I say to her we scooted back towards the side of the road not knowing the drivers intentions. Can you make out who's driving.? Melissa said Naw I can't it's to dark I replied Fuck!!! She whispered ducking behind me while holding on to my shirt. The car was really closer now and still couldn't see who or what or how many where inside the car. As it finally approaches us the car window slowly begins to roll down jus a bit to where we could barely see a figures eyes and jus a bit of nose. Uhhhh???!!! I began "You Kids Lost.???? The driver said uh yea! I replied Did y'all call somebody or call for help the driver asked Yea I said my dad should be on his way now!! I responded "What.? Melissa began I quickly squeezed her fingers. As warning to shut up! And she stopped talking right away as she clutched the back of my shirt. "UmmmHmmm the driver said why cut the lady of mid sentence may I ask.? The driver said something wrong here.? Nah man it's nothing like that jus I was always taught never talk to strangers! I said "Well you was standing in the middle of the fucking street waving your hands like a couple of maniacs so you tell me.?" The driver said I forced out a fake chuckle you got a point there I said. Uh can you do me a favor I asked and roll down your window a bit more.? I said " Why.? The driver said. Excuse me I replied Then suddenly there was a strange pause. "Why should I roll my window down.? Said the driver I don't know you! the driver said. True I responded to him but I figure it's a bit rude that we're talking through glass and I can't see who you are.! I said The driver then just starred at me what seemed to be at least a minute. " I have one quick question before I roll my window down the driver said" yeah and what might that be.? I said loudly "If your daddy is on his way to you now.? "Why you leave your truck on the side of the road and walked almost three miles away from it!!!! The driver..My mouth dropped and I was shocked with fear who ever this was has been watching us the whole time. Suddenly the driver window rolled down even further and my stomach was in back now and my fear meter was at least hitting the hundred mark!!! The driver was missing half of his mouth as if his lips and jaw been completely ripped off fresh!!! And all you saw was his bright yellow teeth. I felt Melissa cover her mouth with both of her hands. The driver jus stared at us smirking "No Ones Coming For You!!! the driver said No one leaves I-75  he yelled. I backed all the way up so  much that me and Casey fell in a near by ditch suddenly we hear laughter from the driver as he rolled his window up. And proceeded to drive off in a hurry! Leaving us behind "What the Hell was that I said as we try and manage to get back to our feet. " Tom! Melissa said yeah.? I replied "We need to get outta here asap!!! She said" I looked her in the eyes and I saw that they were filled with fear and they was beginning to water. That man she said I've seen him before she said it jus hit me I know where I've seen his picture before!!! She said starring in the direction the driver went it the car. What are you talking about I said confused more than ever. This road we're on is not jus any road I seen this at the gas station a couple stops back Melissa said her voice shaking there's been murders and over 50 missing people reports posted she said okay.? I said what's your point I said "We're on the infamous I-75 she said" yea the road to no return I said laughing "No I'm fucking serious she said grabbing me by the face at this point she started to scare even me! We Need To Get The Fuck Outta Here Now!!!! She yelled ok I said chill "You don't get it do you.? She said get what I replied " He is the I-75 Killer And he's coming for us!!! How do you know this i asked her.? "Because I-75 doesn't exist she said What u mean I said I saw it on the map. No you saw something on a map she said but I-75 isn't on a map so he knew you was lying about your dad coming to get us!!! How and what I said still confused "Tom he knew he wasn't coming to get us because I-75 doesn't exist on the maps!!!!"  How you think he knew how long we've been out here?!? She went on "We jus walked right up to his home and we're standing right in his front yard....she said "And tom she continued "No One Even Knows Where We Are!!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2017 ⏰

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