Chapter 1: A Bit Cliché

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I came up with this idea, please don't take it.

Another day of high school. I walk down the hallway to my locker, open it, and throw my backpack in. I grab my binder and Advanced Literature book, and head to my English class.
Same schedule. Same work. Dodging people in the hallway trying not to get trampled. People standing in large groups in the middle of the hallway make it hard to get around. And it causes me a great deal of irritation.
I walk into class and take my seat. A few of my friends are writing down the assignment for the day in their planners.
"Open your books to page 472," our teacher called. "Read it silently, then we'll go over it."
Blah blah blah, parallelism. Blah blah blah, persuasive techniques.
After a long hour of class, the bell finally rings.
"Hey, Melody!"
I turn around to see my best friend, Baylee, trotting towards me.
"Hey!" I answer. Our arms are full as we walk down the hall going to band class.
"Did you see the sign-up for the town talent show?" she asked.
"Yeah, I did. I was actually gonna start asking some friends if they would like to perform something."
"Count me in!" she exclaimed, "What can we do?"
"I dunno..." And I thought and thought.
We get our instruments out of our lockers and go in. The director has us play our warm-ups and tune.
"Okay, get out your music!" he called, "From the beginning."
He counts off and we're playing. Concert is in three days and everybody has finally learned their music and pulled themselves together. We go through our music a couple times.
At the end of class, I pack up my trumpet and wait to be dismissed. I'm still thinking about the talent show. What would be something the whole town would like?
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"I'm home!" I shouted as I opened the door to my house.
"Okay!" one of my older brothers called- I think it was Matthew. I dunno, Matt's and Levi's voices sound the same.
I walk upstairs to my bedroom and throw my backpack on my bed and change my skinny jeans to sweatpants. I take out my homework for tonight and put it on my desk. Hopefully with it there mocking me, I'll do it later.
I go back downstairs into to kitchen and scavenge for food- mom hasn't gone shopping yet this week. I finally decide on a cold piece of pizza from dinner last night.
"Hey Mel."
I turn around and Levi's doing his advanced calculus homework. I don't know how he got the brains in the family.
"Hi," I say back.
"How was school?"
"Yes," I sighed. And I asked him what he thought we should do for the town talent show.
"Hmm...." I could see the gears turning in his head. "Maybe a magic show?"
I thought about it. That was kinda cliché, but if we practice a lot and do some cool tricks, it might work. I decided to text Baylee.
Me: Levi suggested that we could do a magic show for the talent show. What do you think?
I sent it and within 5 minutes, she responded.
Baylee: Sure. That sounds like fun. Are we gonna have enough time to practice?
Me: Yeah, we should. How much homework do you have?
Baylee: A lot actually.
Me: Okay, so do I. Maybe you can come over tomorrow and stay the night. Then we can decide what tricks we can do.
Baylee: That sounds good. I'll see you tomorrow.
I see my homework lying on my desk. Ugh. I frown, give it an evil eye, and start working on it.

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