Chapter 2: Best Friend Telepathy

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I woke up to the sound of my brothers bickering over who gets the last package of S'more Poptarts. They were really loud if I could hear them from all the way upstairs. I checked the time: 6:45. Ugh... Time to get up. I struggled out of bed and went into the bathroom.


I do not look kind in the morning. I took a quick shower (which was foreign to me) and brushed my teeth. I went back into my room and pondered on what I should wear. I looked through my closet a couple times before deciding on a grey t-shirt that had a Hogwarts Crest on it with a pair of dark blue jeans.

I went back into the bathroom, quickly brushed out my hair, put it up in a messy bun, and went downstairs.

By the looks on their faces, I'm guessing they each ended up getting only one Poptart.

"Morning," Matt said.

"G' morning."

My mom walked out into the kitchen looking very professional for her job, as always. She put a couple bagels in the toaster and got out some butter.

"Good morning, kids." She said to the three of us.

"Morning," we responded.

I got down a bowl and Cheerios and grabbed milk out of the fridge and proceeded to make my breakfast.

"Matt?" my mom asked suspiciously, "Levi? Did you two eat breakfast?"

Mom always drilled into us that breakfast is the most important meal if the day.

"Y-es," they responded hesitantly.

"Good." My mom smiled.

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"Baylee!" I shouted as soon as I saw her. "When are you coming over tonight?"

"Probably 'bout 5:30ish."

"Alright. I'm really excited about this. And there's a crash prize too, $300 for the winning act!"

She stared at me in awe.

"$300?! Dang, we better win then." We laughed.

"Hi Baylee. Hey Mel," a voice called behind us.

"Hi Eli." Baylee answered.

"I heard you guys were thinking about entering in the talent show." he said.

"Yeah," I answered. "We're gonna do a magic show."

"Sounds cool." He opened the door to our science class for us.

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When I got home, I started looking up YouTube videos on different magic tricks. After about 2 hours of searching for tricks and finding props to do them with, Baylee arrived. She didn't even knock, she just walked in.

"I'm here!" she shouted.

"I'm in the living room!" I called back.

She came over and tossed her stuff on the couch.

"So, what've you come up with so far?" she asked.

"Well, I've been looking and I like the trick where you loop the metal rings together."

"I never quite understood that one."

We laughed.

After we looked up some tricks and tried to learn them, we started to get discouraged.

"I can't get the rings to loop!" Baylee shouted in frustration.

"Maybe we need to get rings from a magic store," I suggested.

"Gah!" And she threw the rings on the floor.

I hopped onto Amazon to see if we could buy anything affordable for the magic show.

"Ten dollars," I yelled, "For metal rings?!"

"We're both gonna have to get jobs if everything is that expensive." Baylee said.

We decided to take a break for a while and go eat. After eating almost a whole pizza between Baylee and I, we went upstairs to my room to continue planning.

"How are we gonna afford all of the supplies we need?" Baylee asked me.

"I dunno. Get jobs?" I suggested.

Baylee sat on my bed and thought and thought.

I sat in my bean bag chair next to her and picked up my blue and white, 4 string Fender bass guitar (a beauty if I do say so myself) and started to play Smoke on the Water.

Baylee looked up at me and raised her eyebrows.

"What?" I asked.

She raised her eyebrows even more, smiled, and nodded toward my guitar.

"What?" I asked again.

And she looked from my guitar to me.

"Ohh..." I said, understanding what she was saying. "Ohhhhh!" And we nodded in agreement.

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