Chapter 4: Colin's Not Just a Drummer

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Everyone gathered at my house that Saturday. I was even able to call Colin to see if he could come.

Baylee, Colin, Eli, & I sat in my living room discussing our band.

"First of all, what song should we play?" Eli started the meeting with.

"May I say something?" Colin asked.

"Sure," I told him.

"I like the idea of the rock and blues genre, but that will narrow down what we will play."

"Colin has a point," Baylee said.

"I mean, we can still play that type of music, but we can play more than that kind."

"Okay," Eli agreed. "I'm okay with that."

Baylee and I agreed too.

"Back to my question then," Eli stated. "What song are we gonna play?"

Everyone hesitated.

I had a few good ideas, but I knew nobody would like them.

"How about Back In Black by AC/DC?" I suggested.

"There's a good guitar part in there. And drums. But," Colin paused and looked around. "I don't think any of us could sing like Brian Johnson."

Told you.

But we all laughed and I was amazed at Colin's music knowledge.

"We need something fun and energetic that people will enjoy." said Eli.

"How about something by One Direction?" Baylee suggested.

"No." Eli, Colin, and I said at the same time.

"Okay, okay," Baylee put her hands up. "Geez."

We sat in my living room for about five minutes before anyone said anything, then Colin broke the silence.

"Soul Man by The Blues Brothers. That has different instruments in it and good parts for everyone. We could get a saxophone player for it and maybe a trumpet. It'll be a song that the audience would know, and if they didn't, they would still enjoy it."

We were all in awe of Colin and how much he knew about music. He wasn't just a drummer, he's a musical genius.

"Colin, my friend," Eli put his arm around Colin and started talking fancy. "You are brilliant!"

They fist bumped, and I was thinking about all the possibilities for us. I knew Soul Man fairly well, but I would have to listen to it more to figure out what instruments we would need and how we would dress. How many people would be in the band? We need to get started.

"Mel," Eli repeated himself multiple times before I came to. "What do you think of the song?"

"It's great," I said. "Really great idea Colin."

"Alright," Colin started. "We have a drummer, keyboardist, a couple guitarists-"

"I play bass." I corrected him.

"Sorry. But can you play guitar?"

"Heck yeah she can!" Eli cut in. "She was the one who taught me."

I stared at him. I did play guitar, but I liked my bass. Not much of a difference between the two, but I liked the sound of the bass better.

"I can if we would ever need another guitar. But I prefer my bass." I told him.

"Okay," he said. "A guitarist, a bass player/guitarist. Who's singing? Do we have a singer?"

Everyone looked at me.

"Well," I began. "The song is sung by a guy. So I'll let you two gentlemen figure that out."

I smirked at them and they both looked annoyed.

"I can't play drums and sing." Colin stated straightaway.

"But I... I," Eli stammered. "I don't want to sing."

"Do you want to win $300 or not?" Colin asked.

Eli looked ticked off.

"Eli, you can sing." I said.

"I know, but I don't want to sing in front of people."

"Just sing Eli. Please." Baylee begged.

"Fine." Eli scowled.

"Now: saxophone. Anybody in the band class who would be willing to play?" Colin asked

"Um, maybe. I'll ask around." I answered.

"We still need a name." Eli cut in.

"The Exploding Turnips." Baylee suggested.

We stared at her.

"How in the world did you come up with that?" Colin asked.

"First thing that came to mind."

"No." I said.

"Blue Night," she tried again.

"No," Colin said right away. "Sounds too much like Green Day."

"Well then I'm not suggesting any more if everyone's gonna keep shooting down my ideas."

We never came up with a decent name that day, so we thought about it over the weekend. And I was thinking about other instruments to add. I listened to Soul Man multiple times over the weekend and figured out we needed a saxophone, trumpet, and trombone. We could ask people Monday when we are in band.

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