Chapter 6: Hellos and Goodbyes

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I live outside of a big city. Which usually meant that I either had to walk everywhere or try and find a ride certain places. Today was a 'trying to find a ride' day. Baylee usually gave me a ride home from Colin's house, but, of course, she was sick today.

He lived somewhat in the city, and it wasn't like I could walk around Fort Wayne alone to get home. So I asked Eli. His mom was usually generous about taking me home, so I didn't have a doubt in my mind that she would say no. But that didn't happen. Eli's younger sister had a dance recital that started in an hour, which meant that they had to leave right away. So I thought I was out of luck. Nope.

While Eli waited to get picked up, him Charlie, and I chatted.

"I like your bass, Melody." Charlie complemented me.

"Thank you," I though I felt myself starting to blush. "It's TARDIS blue." I smiled and looked at Eli. He smiled and rolled his eyes.

"TARDIS?" Charlie asked.

"It's from a show Mel and I watch." Eli explained.

"What show?"

"Doctor Who." I grinned.

"Never heard of it. I'll have to look it up." he said.

A few minutes later, Eli's mom showed up. I was running out of options when I had an idea.

"Elle," I called. "Are you going to my house?"

"I wasn't gonna," she replied. "Do you need a ride?"


"That's fine. I need to talk to Matt about prom anyways."

We left Colin's house after packing up our instruments and talked as she drove me home.

"I need to ask Matt what color we'll be wearing and how to coordinate." she said. "Did you know that the freshman and sophomores get a dance?"

"No, I didn't." I said.

"Yeah, I think it's a week or so after prom."

"Cool." I said, zoned out.

Would I be going? Is Baylee? Eli? Who would I go with if I did go? My mind started racing with questions, and before I knew it, Elle pulled into our driveway.

We walked into my house and I went upstairs and knocked on Matt's bedroom door.

"Yo," he called.

"I'm home and Elle wants to talk to you." I called back.

"Uh-oh, what did I do?" he asked with a bit of panic in his voice.

I laughed. "Nothing, she said its about prom."

He sighed in relief and went downstairs.

"Hi Elle," I heard him say.

I went in my room, shut the door, got a book off my bookshelf, sat in my beanbag chair, and started reading. I couldn't focus though. I still thought about the dance. A little bit later, I get a text. I look to see who it's from: Charlie.

What DW episode should i start with?

I was surprised that he was actually gonna watch it.

Me: Start with 'Rose' in the newer seasons

Charlie: thx :)

About 45 minutes later, I get another text from Charlie:

That was pretty good, but the effects weren't that great.

Me: I know. They get better though, trust me.

Charlie: ok. I'll take your word for it.

I read a little bit more before I get called downstairs for diner.

"Hi Mel. How was your day?" my mom asked.


"How's the band going?"

"Pretty well actually. We're learning the song really fast." I said.

"That's good." she smiled.

Matt and Levi ran into the kitchen grabbing their food.

"Boys," my mom started. "I'm home."

"Hi mom." They came over and kissed her on the cheek. Matt went downstairs and Levi stayed upstairs with us. We were just finishing our diner when Levi's iPad started to ring from a FaceTime call. It was my dad.

"Hi dad!" Levi and I exclaimed.

"Hi kids! I miss you all very much!" he called.

"Matt! Dad's FaceTiming!" I yelled down to him and he came running upstairs.

"Hey bud!"

"Hi dad," he said. "We miss you."

"I miss you kiddos too. And your mom. Where is she?"

"I'm right here Ben." she smiled.

Our dad traveled for work a lot. We get to see him only a week or two each month. He works for a big local business and he has to travel around to their chains and make sure they're doing their jobs right.

"So what've I missed?" my dad asked.

"Levi and I are going to prom in a couple weeks."

"Nice. Do you boys have a date?"

"I'm going with Cameron."

"She's nice," dad said to Levi.

"And I asked Elle." Matt said.

"I haven't met her have I?" dad asked.

Matt shook his head.

"What about you Melody? Do you have a boyfriend?" he smiled.

I felt a little annoyed.

"No. But Eli and I have started a band for the annual town talent show."

"That sounds like fun. Hopefully I'll be home to watch it. If not, I want it all video taped."

My mom and dad talked for a bit until the iPad battery was at 5% then we had to hang up.

"I'll see you all soon I hope." my dad said.

"Love you," we all replied and then hung up.

I walked upstairs in a somber fashion after we hung up. I missed my dad. I missed going fishing with him. I missed seeing him in a physical appearance- not just on a screen. I felt a little glum until Eli sent me a text:

Are you okay? I heard you were just talking to your dad.

I figured he was talking to Levi too. He and Levi are pretty close which I find a little funny. My best friend is a really good friend of my brothers.

I sent him back a text:

I'm okay. Just miss him.

Eli: Get outside. We're going for a walk.

I put on my Converse and a sweatshirt and sure enough, he was waiting for me on the porch swing. He got up and didn't say a word. We walked in silence side-by-side, only noises from the wind rustling the autumn leaves on the trees and birds chirping. I liked his presence with me while we walked. Not talking. Just enjoying each others company.

"I remember when you did this for me when my grandpa died." Eli said, breaking the silence.

I didn't say anything. I just nodded.

I remembered that too. His grandpa died late at night in the hospital after his battle with Leukemia. Everyone knew it was coming, but they didn't expect it that soon. Eli and his grandpa were pretty close, so he was devastated. I knew he was tired of all the condolences, so I walked with him and didn't say anything. And I let him cry, he had been holding in the pain.

"Your dad'll be home soon." he said.

"I just miss him." was all I said.

"I know you do." he pulled me into a hug. "We all miss somebody." he whispered into my ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2014 ⏰

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