Chapter 9: the small world

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"Hey, it's a small world love"

"And I'm nialls brother liam"

Are you for real?

"Yea we are just all friends!"

"I'm sorry if I offended your brother but he was kind of rude to me the day I met him"

"No! Please don't be sorry I know him well enough to know he is more than a jerk"

Then we all laughed and it lightened the mood.

It's becoming kind of awkward I'm going to say I have to go.

"Umm I have to go because my mom wanted me back by 4:00 for dinner"

"Okay, and I'm very sorry about making you fall" Louis said

"It's fine don't sweat it!"

"Okay see you soon! By the way can I get your number so we can maybe keep in touch!" Louis said

"By the way love, it was nice to meet you!"

It's so cute how all of these British boys keep calling me love I'm starting to grow quite fond of it.

I gave Louis my number and went home.

Wow some night I wasn't expecting all of this to happen.


*beep beep*

Hey girly! Wanna come over tomorrow! I haven't seen you in forever!

Sure what time?

Around 12:00?

Sure see you soon! 😘

That was Joanna.

(I have the next couple of chapters all planned out I'm very excited!! I will try to update once or

twice a day because the chapters are kind of short! I'm going to make some edits for the story and

I will tell you where to find them if you are interested I'll keep you guys updated on it. Thank you

so much for reading my story so far I know it's not really well written but in the future I will try

harder! Xoxo)

Dating Styles || Harry StylesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora