The Mission- Josh Hutcherson Story

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The sun beamed through the gap in the cream curtains, hitting Annie’s green eyes, making her face scruple. She turned her tired body around to face the digital clock upon the wooden bedside table. 8.07am it read. “Really? On a Sunday?” She moaned into the pillow. She pulled herself from under the soft duvet, making her way into the ensuite bathroom. Still yawning, she switched the shower on to a reasonable temperature.

Before stepping into the shower, the sound of removal vans filled Annie’s ears. The house across the road had been for sale for months. I guess today was the day the new owners arrive. ‘I wonder what there like?’ She thought to herself.

 “Annie, come down, love. Meet the new neighbours” Her mother called up the wooden stair case while Annie finished off straightening her long brown silky hair, then plaited it to the side. After dressing (, Annie slowly made her way down the stairs, only to be greeted by her mother.

“What took you so long? Oh never mind, there in the living room, I hope you don’t show me up, like always.” Supportive right?

“I was about to go out” Annie whispered back, so the new neighbors wouldn’t hear.

“It’ll take five minutes, now get in there!” Her mother whisper-shouted back at here, pushing her towards the living room entrance. Annie stumbled in, only to embarrass her mother. That’s when she saw him. His short dark hair was sort of spiky and he had deep hazel eyes. He wasn’t tall, but he was the same height as Annie.  But his jaw line was defiantly a great feature for him.

“Look who it is, Annie Scott.” He gave her a devious smile, while his parents shook her hand politely.

“Josh” She almost choked in surprise.

“Oh, Do you two know each other?” Her mother asked, trying to sound as calm as she could, even if she was feed up of how Annie was responding.

“You could say that” He smiled at Mrs. Scott. Josh Hutcherson. He was cool, popular, pretty much Annie’s enemy. They way he would parade around school. Jumping from girlfriend to girlfriend, not caring about anyone but himself. He really got under Annie’s skin. The way he would fake a smile in her direction, knowing to well she hated his every move. “Where in a few classes together” He added.

“Well that’s wonderful, maybe you too can study together” Mrs. Hutcherson spoke.

“Oh I don’t know about that one –‘’ Annie began.

“I think it’s a great idea” He was already sucking up, like he always does. Annie tilted her head to the side and flashed a fake smile at him. He knew what he was doing was annoying her, so mirrored her actions. After ten minutes of pain listening to him suck up to her family, Annie decided it was time to leave.

“Well I better get going, it was lovely to meet you” Annie directed her lies to his parents before leaving. ‘Urgh that’s was painful’ She thought to herself, going as far as she could from her home.


 “Can you believe it though? My mother actually loves him more than me” Annie explained everything the next day to Jake. They’d been best friends since High School started, mostly because of there strong hate for Josh.

“Stay away from him, that’s the best possible thing to do” Jake responded, shutting he red locker door after taking out his english book.

“Oh if only it was that simple” Annie began. “I already try but then My dearest mother decided to talk about how lovely and kind Josh is, maybe you can take some tips of him” She continued in her mothers voice. Out of no where Josh appeared next to them.

“Well if it isn’t my favourite Neighbour in the whole world” He mocked childishly, putting one strong arm around her.

“What do you want Josh?” Her voice had no tone or emotion.

“I just wanted to tell you to come over at 6”

“To your house? No thanks Im good” She smirked, pulling his arm off her.

“Well I don’t really think you have a choice” He smiled, handing her a sheet of A4 paper. It was the semester history project. Ever semester, every pairs, chosen at random, had to hand in.

“This semester you are required to do a 100 page project on World War Two. It must include the moment Hitler becoming Chancellor of Germany – The end of The second world war.” Annie began to read the letter.

“Continue” Josh Urged.

“Partners for this project include:

Jake Jones and Lucy Watson Daniel Lucas and Emma Miller Josh Hutcherson and Annie Scott”

She stopped as soon as her lips read the awful words. Josh, still standing with a cocky smile at Jake.

“6 o’clock it is then” He raised his eyebrows arrogantly. “See you soon neighbour” He nudged Annie’s side before walking down the corridor to his friends.

“Yeah I can really avoid him, cant I?” 

Okay i realise this is rubbish but i had nothing better to do. Please Comment and Vote. :)

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