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(Hey guys. I'm writing this story because my last Zane X Reader stunk. Also I don't know what Laurence, Garroth, and Zane's house looks like.)
(Yn) - Your name
(Fc) - Favorite color

(Yn)'s pov
I'm so excited for moving day. Me and my twin Sally got kicked out of our apartment so are dear cousin Laurence let us move in with him, his boyfriend, and his boyfriend's little brother. I can't wait to meet Laurence's boyfriend. I'm in the car with Sally and Laurence. Sally has teal hair that fades in blue, her skin is really pale, and her eyes are gray. I on the other hand look like a girl version of Laurence. "We're here!" Laurence says. "Yay!" Sally says. We get out of the car. "Hey Laurence~Kun! These must be your cousins." A blonde boy says. "Garroth stop calling me that, but yes these are my cousins." Laurence says. "I approve of this relationship." I say. "Same!" Sally says. "Wait! You have to approve of my relationships?" Laurence says. "Of course!" Me and Sally say at the same time. "Well at least they didn't say they don't approve of this relationship." Garroth says. "Exactly!" I say. "This one's a keeper." Sally says. Laurence groans. "Let's just go inside." He says. We go inside and smell cupcakes. "Zane! Laurence's cousins are here!" Garroth says. "Ow!!! Coming!" A boy's voice says. A boy with black hair, pale skin, and light blue eyes comes down the stairs. Wow he's hot. Wait...WHAT DID I JUST SAY! NO (YN) YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP WENT TERRIBLE. Gosh I haven't thought about him in years. My High School boyfriend...G "Hi I'm Zane." The boy with black hair says. "Oh! Hi I'm (Yn)." I say. "and I'm Sally." Sally says. "You guys don't look like twins." He says. "That's because Sally died her hair. It used to look like me and Laurence's hair." I say. "Actually my best friend dared me too die my hair. I never back down from a dare." Sally says. "That is true, once in Middle School I dared her to date one of the shadow knights and she did." Laurence says. "YOU DATED A SHADOW KNIGHT?!?" Garroth says. "Yes." Sally says. "Which one?" Zane asks. "Zenix..." she says in a quiet voice blushing. "ZENIX!!!" Garroth yells. "Seriously." Zane says. "Yeah." Sally says. "But now I have a different boyfriend and I've been dating him since High School." Sally says. "This is too much relationship talk for me." I say. "But we haven't gotten to yours yet." Sally says with a pouty face. "I don't wanna talk about mine." I say. "Fine! So sensitive about that one boyfriend." Sally says. "AAAAAA! MY CUPCAKES ARE BURNING!" Zane yells then opens the oven. "I'll show you guys to your room." Laurence says while Zane and Garroth are trying to save the cupcakes.

Sally's pov
I'm so happy Laurence is letting us live with him. The whole car trip I was texting my boyfriend. Anyway back to the present. Me and (Yn) follow Laurence to a teal and (Fc) room. "This is your guy's room." Laurence says. "Thanks, for everything Laurence." I say and give him a hug. (I like hugs.) "It's nothing. You guys are always there for me." Laurence says. "I'm going to get our stuff from the car." (Yn) says. "I'll help!" I say am run after her. After we get our room set up we go to the living room. Then the door bell rings. "I'll get it." (Yn) says. She opens the door. "Aphmau! You made it!" Laurence says. "Of course I did!" The girl at the door says. "Come in." Laurence says. The girl Aphmau comes in with a guy with black hair brown eyes and tan skin, a girl with light blue hair light blue eyes and pale skin, a boy with white hair green eyes and tan skin, a girl with pink hair yellow eyes and pale skin, and MY BOYFRIEND?!? "VYLAD?!?" I yell. "SALLY!" Vylad yells then we run to each other and hug. "Wait...You guys know each other?" Laurence asks. "Duh he's my boyfriend!" I say. "Wait! Your dating my brother?!?" Garroth asks. "Your brother?!? I thought Zane was your brother." I say. "He is and so is Vylad." Garroth says. "Okay. What else do we not know?" (Yn) says. "Maybe...they know your old boyfriend." I say and she glares at me. "Who's your old boyfriend?" Aphmau asks. "No one" (Yn) says. "Sorry, she sensitive." I say. "SAYS THE PERSON WHO WAS CRYING OVER SNAKES!" (Yn) yells. "THEY DON'T HAVE ARMS OR LEGS!" I say sniffing. Vylad hugs me. "It's okay." He says. Then everyone talks and eats for the rest of the night. Until 11:30 pm we went to bed.

Hey guy that might have stunk to ,but oh well. I was wondering what do you think I look like. - SallyWaffleCake

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