Chapter 1

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The sun was shining, cars driving by on the busy streets, and people chatting away either  on their phones or to another person. Zephyra was sitting at home with her three sisters  Candace, Dalia, and Kaia. The four of them were quadruplets, but you would only be able  to tell by their faces. Everything else about them was different. Different eyes, different  hair, different styles, and even different attitudes. Zephyra has white/silver hair, eyes the  color of hambergite, and loved to be anywhere up high, where she could see everything, Candace has fire red hair, eyes the color of onyx, and loved to be near fire or play with it, Dalia has hair that is sea foam blue, eyes that were the color of sapphires, and loved to be near the water, and last but not least, Kaia has warm brown hair color, eyes the color of emeralds, and loved to be near nature.    

On this nice day, Zephyra was sitting right by the window, like usual, reading a book. She had always liked being by the window, up high in the city. Candace was in the kitchen making one of her random, but surprisingly good, dishes. She likes to copy what professional chef's do, but will occasionally catch the kitchen on fire. Dalia was at the pool, doing her daily exercise. She was there everyday, swimming just for fun, sometimes from dawn until dusk. Kaia was on the roof of the penthouse, tending to her garden, which took up most of the roof. She had her own supply of various different plants, such as roses, bluebells, daffodils, violets, and so many more. She also sold dangerous plants such as nightshade, foxglove, dieffenbachia, bleeding heart, Venus flytraps and many others in the category. Each day the girls did pretty much their own thing, and had their own jobs. Zephyra was a stunt pilot for the different air shows all over the world, Candace was a firedancer, the best one in the world, Dalia was a professional swimmer, and Kaia was an exotic florist who sold plants to anyone, no questions asked. Every once in awhile, they would all have the same days off, get in the truck, drive to a haunted place near the city, and practiced using the elemental powers they were given at birth.

One day, while everyone was doing their normal activities, Zephyra looked up from her book. " Candace! We need to get ready to go, if we want to make it by midnight!" she yelled towards the kitchen, where lots of noise was coming from the pots and pans.

Candace poked her head out from the kitchen. Her hair was a mess and she had food on her cloths from head to toe. "Ok!" she hollered, grabbing a towel from her shoulder. "I just need to clean up and then get Dalia and Kaia." Candace ran back into the kitchen, cleaned up everything in the kitchen, and then ran to her room to change her clothes. Zephyra had just closed her book when Candace came back down in a red and black dress with flame patterns around the base of the dress and red lace from her hand, leading to her upper back and covering her chest, while her back was completely blank except for the blood red dragon wings tattoo in the center , reaching from the top of her back down to her lower back. She also had a necklace with the symbol for fire embedded with rubies hanging off the silver chain.  Zephyra just laughed and went to get herself changed. Her outfit was almost exactly like Candace's, except where there was red on hers, Zephyra had white and light gray, and instead of fire, there was air patterns and the symbol for air on her necklace. When she went back down stairs, Dalia and Kaia were already dressed and ready to leave. Dalia's outfit and Kaia's outfit were the same as Candace's and Zephyra's, except that  Dalia had blue and the water, and Kaia had green and earth. All of them had the same kind of dragon wings tattoo on their backs, but all different colors to match their personalities. They were all bare footed as they walked out the door, to their vehicle. They had a black 2017 Toyota Tacoma, which was Biodiesel and fit all four of them. Zephyra got in the front seat and started the truck. They drove through the city and through a bunch of other cities to Letchworth village, a place that many people believe was haunted, so it was the perfect place to hold ceremonies, because no one went there . It was just about noon, so the sisters began to set each of the circles, for each of their elements. Once they were done, they walked for a bit to the nearest city to get something to eat, and look around in the shops. At about ten o'clock at night, they walked back, and prepared for their full moon ritual, a ritual that occurs once a month, where they would use their powers to thank the earth, sun and moon for giving them their powers. They each stood in their spots. Zephyra looks to Candace. "Candace, light the candles. It's just about midnight." she said. Candace nodded, closed her eyes and then opened them again, but they were glowing red. She raised her hands, and all the candles light up. Candace's eyes dimmed down to their original color, and she lowered her hands. Just as she did, the bell from the abandoned building struck twelve, also indicating that the full moon was directly overhead of them. The sisters all looked at each other and smiled. They all bowed their heads, and then looked up, all of their eyes glowing their color. Zephyra raised her arms, and the wind begins to pick up, swirling around her. Then, one by one, going clockwise, each girl raises her arms, and their element swirls around them. Soon, their elements began to move to the outside of them, combining and making a circle around them. Each sister then said the Greek name for their element.

Zephyra went first. "Areas"

Then Candace. "Fotia"

Next Dalia. "Nero"

Then finally, Kaia. "Gaia"

As soon as they said each word, their candles lit up, the same colors as the lace on their dresses, and rose up a few feet. Then, they began to chant the same phrase over and over again.

 "O μεγάλος ήλιος, φεγγάρι και γη. Σας ευχαριστούμε" they say in Greek.

Once they repeated it several times, they elements surrounding them moved to the center of the circle, began spinning around, then they shot up towards the moon, and disappeared.

They were about to close the circle, when they heard a sound. The sound of a car horn. They all spun around and found a black lamborghini parked not too far from one of the abandoned buildings. A man around eighteen years old was in the driver's seat, with a dumbfound and scared look on his face.

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