Chapter 8

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Months past, and the wedding was just a week away. Everything was going according to plan, with the plane tickets ready, and the perfect place for the wedding. They decided instead of using a temple to get married, Ajax's family would let them use their land to get married and stay for a bit. The planning was the easy part. The hard part, at least for Luna, was trying to convince herself that everything was going to be okay.

Helios walked into their room, and almost got knocked down by a blast of wind. Luna ran to help him up. " I'm sorry. I've been such a nervous wreck lately, my powers are trying to go haywire." she said in a rush. Helios just smiled and hugged her, calming her down. "It's okay. Do you know what your dress looks like? Or is one of the girls picking it out?"

Luna laughed. " Actually, all of them are picking it out. They don't want me to see until the day of." she explained. " All I know, is that it's not gonna be white."

Helios just chuckled. " I have to go on a quick errand for Onnjel. I'll be back in a bit." he said, kissing her forehead and vanished.

Luna sighed and flopped down onto her bed, resting her eyes. A faint light began to shine, causing Luna to open her eyes and look around. She gasped, not believing her eyes. It was the Color bird from all those years ago, still as vibrant as ever, sitting on bedpost. Luna got up slowly, not sure what to think.

The Color bird seemed to smile. "Hello, my dear." it said, its eyes shining and looking like both the sun and the moon. "It's been awhile. I know you have been through quite a lot recently, but you will have lots more to face in the coming years ." Then it flew out, disappearing into thin air, leaving Luna confused.

After the wedding, Luna and Helios went on a very, very long honeymoon that lasted five years. Everyone got bored most of the time, continuing to wonder when they were coming home.One day, Ares and Ajax are on a walk when they see Luna's car begin to pull up. Ares begins barking happily and runs to the house with Ajax. They burst through the door, startling the others. "Their back." He says, happily and out of breath. A minute later, Helios walks in.

He just smiles, and opens the door wider. Luna walks in, with something wrapped up in a blanket, and a softer expression. She goes and sits down on the couch, moving the blanket a little, showing what was underneath. Everyone gasps except Helios, who looks at the little one in the blanket with pure joy. In the blanket is a baby girl, with a little bit of stormy grey hair, light skin and the most beautiful violet eyes, looking like a sunset on a warm summer night. Her smile made the whole room light up. Her laugh sounded like a little bell in the wind.

Luna chuckled. " Everyone, this is Skyller. Our baby girl and new addition to the family." she said, looking down at the little one in her arms. Skyller looked around at her new family and giggled, waving her tiny fingers at them.

That got everyone swarming her, except Helios and Thanatos. Helios looked at Thanatos, seeing the sad look in his eyes. Helios smiled softly. "Go ahead. You can touch her if you want. Thanatos gave a shocked look, looking as if Helios was out of his mind.

"Trust me. She'll be fine." Helios said.

Thanatos gave a wary look, and moved slowly towards Skyller. Everyone stopped cooing over her and moved out of the way.

He crouched down in front of her, eye to eye, afraid of what she might do. What she did next surprised Thanatos and everyone else. Skyller sat up, and touched Thanatos's face. His eyes grew and he froze, afraid to move. She giggled, grabbed his face, and squished. A squeal of laughter came from Skyller, causing Thanatos to smile and cry a single tear of pure joy. He pressed one of her hands closer to his face, embracing the moment. Skyller giggled more and crawled over into his lap, catching Thanatos by surprise. Luna smiled, watching her uncle hold her daughter, touching someone for the first time, feeling contact from another person without killing them. "I think she likes you. She's so much stronger and more powerful than us. She is the strongest one in this room." Luna explained.

A second later, a knock on the door makes everyone jump. Helios goes to open the door, having everyone wait in the living room. Thanatos hands Skyller back to Luna, and stands up.

Helios walks back in, with a very tall, very thin man standing behind him. He wasn't like most men. He was tall, thin, very white. Oh, and he had no face or hair.

Slenderman walked to the middle of the room, with everyone's eyes on him. Skyller was very interested in the new person, so she giggled. Slenderman looked in her direction and seemed to smile, even without a mouth. "Hello everyone. I was sent to see if the rumors were true, and it appears I was right. Looks like Offender owes me $50. Oh, and by the way, Lucifer wants to meet the little one." he said, reaching out a black tentacle towards Skyller, who happily grabbed it and squealed with laughter.

Everyone else gets ready for work, while Luna, Helios, Slenderman, and the baby all hang out in the living room, until they hear a jingle outside. Slenderman places his head in his hand. " Might as well let him in. Otherwise, he'll just stand out there all day and night." he said, looking out the window. A moment later another tall man came through the door, but this man had a mouth and eyes, a hat and tentacles with bells on the end.

The man's smile grew when he saw Skyller. "BABY!!!" he exclaimed happily, rushing towards the her.

Luna chuckled and let Skyller crawl to Splendorman, the youngest in the Slender family. He shook a bell in front of Skyller, causing her to burst into a fit of giggles. She grabbed one of them, shaking it more, laughing harder. "Oh, can I babysit for you? Pretty please? I can babysit anytime, you don't even have to pay. I'll do it for free. Please, please,please?" Splendor asked constantly, holding up Skyller, with a pouty look on his face.

Luna and Helios looked to each other, smiled. Helios looked to Splendor and nodded. That got him super excited. "Yay! Now we can play together all the time." he exclaimed.

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