Chapter 10

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When Skyller arrived at school, she noticed a fuchsia haired girl running towards her with a blue haired boy running behind her.

"Skyller! Happy birthday!" the fuchsia haired girl, Ivy, yelled at her, running into a hug. The blue haired boy,Jake, slowed down and picked them both up, spinning them around, and singing ' Happy birthday' in Latin. Ivy and Jake were Skyller's best friends ever since kindergarten, both had brown eyes, and they have taught each other everything they know.

Skyller laughed, causing her bell to jingle. Ivy looked at it and smiled. "Oooooh. Pretty. Who gave it to you." she asked, playing with it a bit.

"I don't know.It was in my room this morning. None of my family gave it to me ." Skyller explained, before looking back at her truck, just to see Lucy sitting in the driver's seat with her paws on the dashboard. Skyller laughed, walking towards the truck. "Lucy, get out of the car. It's time for school." she said, opening the door. Lucy jumped out and walked towards the school like she owned the place. The trio just laughed and followed the cat inside. They walked to their lockers to put things away, which just happened to be right next to each other. Skyller had put a cat bed in her locker for Lucy to bring to classes and relax.

Once they had everything, they heard the people around murmuring and moving out of the way. There was usually only one thing that could cause them to do this. The three C's. The three C's were Charlotte,Cindy and Cruella, the most evil girl in the whole school, who also happened to be the more popular ones at school. They all also happen to be bright blondes.

Skyller, Ivy and Jake all turned around to see the C's walking by. "Well, what do you know? I guess the circus is in town for your birthday,Sky." Ivy sneered, causing the C's to stop and look at them. Cruella, the leader, just looked at Ivy and smirked. "Circus? So,what, are you guys the freak show? I mean, seriously. Multi-colored hair, and purple eyes. All fake, just to make people pay attention to you." she says, glaring at Skyller.

Skyller sighed, and stepped up to Cruella. "You know what? If anyone here is fake, it's you three bitches. You all have fake hair, fake body parts, and fake attitudes. So I suggest you back the fuck off." she snaps, her eyes getting brighter. Charlotte and Cindy backup a bit, but Cruella stays in place.

" Oh, so this is why your parents went and got themselves killed, because I wouldn't want to live if I had you, either." she said, crossing her arms and smirking. Skyller just froze in shock, and Ivy and Jake knew what was coming. They went to hold Skyller back, but it was too late. In the blink of an eye, Skyller had Cruella by the neck raised up off the ground against the lockers. Cruella was gasping for air, and Skyller's eyes were glowing violet. She growled at Cruella, " You will never, talk about my parents ever again. Do you understand me?".

Cruella nodded her head frantically, so Skyller dropped her, letting her fall to the ground. She began gasping for breath, holding your neck. Skyller, eyes still glowing, glared at Charlotte and Cindy, and walked out the back of the school. Ivy,Jake and Lucy ran after her, leaving the three C's in the hallway.

The three found Skyller by the trees by the edge of the school, sitting under a weeping willow. Ivy sat on one side of her, Jake on the other, and Lucy in her lap. A single tear ran down Skyller's face, which Lucy quickly wiped away with her paw.

She smiled, but then her smile faded. "What's happening to me?" she asked, more to herself than the others.

After they had all calmed down, they went to their classes. Classes went by just fine until lunch, when Skyller went to her locker and found the word 'FREAK' spray painted in purple and silver. Skyller sighed and went to the office, so she could go home early by faking being sick.

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