Part 4

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It has been a couple of days and something happend.

I was at ccd on wed and Clay was in my class. We were in church but we were all talking to each other before church. Everyone was saying that I liked Rodger but I don't. Then Clay told me something and it was the first time he talked to me and that I talked to him in 2 weeks.

Clay: Hay u know the whole thing between me and you

Wendy: Don't even get her started on that

And I got so mad at Wendy because she does not even know the whole story and tbh neither do I but...

Me: Yeah?

Clay: Well Rodger told me that he likes you and he wanted to clear it up with me before he did anything.

And then everyone was saying that we liked each other. Then yesterday Rodger asked me if I wanted to hang out and I said yeah but I was not going alone so I brought Luna. He also brought two other friends. Me and Luna went to the park witch was where we were supposed to meet up with Rodger. And at the park with my luck geuss who we saw there? CLAY! and he was with one of his other friends. Then me and Luna sit on the bench and Clay and his friend come and sit next to us. CLAY WAS SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO ME! Then we were all talking and on our phones. We were still waiting for Rodger to come tho. And then Luna gets the idea to show Clay the most uglyest pic of me ever and it was so embarrising. Then Rodger came. And Clay saw him and Clay goes

C: Rodger likes u a lot

Me: No he doesnt stop

Luna: He does?!

C: Yea

Me: Stop

Then Rodger came and we went for ice cream and then Morula came. We then went to the park and it was cold. So I get out my Jaket (Clay left us at the park so hes not with us and its just me Luna, Morula, Rodger and two other friends)After I put on my Jaket Luna goes " Oh Rodger Shes cold warm her up" But I dont think he heard and then everyone would say like hug and stuff like that But I would just ignore them.

The truth is is that I still like Clay. And I hate my self that I do but I cant help it hes like that person who you can never let go of. And then today Rodger asked me if I could hang out but I said no and he came to my HOUSE...Creep. But yeah I still like Clay and my life is not getting any better so yeah this sucks. My life is still a living hell but like it says in my Ig bio

H.O.P.E----Hang On Pain Ends 

I hope that that is true.

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