Part 6

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Ok so I told u I would post if anything had happened and something did happen. So yesterday I was on ft w Wendy and I put on my story "I should date_______" and two ppl put clay. And then Wendy said "I'm gonna get u a bf" and I said no but Wendy being the annoying person she is just had to to it. She asked this one kid to ask me out and he said no. Then she went to clay she told clay to ask me out🙄. BUT CLAY SAID THAT HE WOULD!!!!!!! But Wendy asked if he liked me and clay said no but I did like her but I'll still ask her out. So knowing that he didn't like me I was gonna say no if he asked me. I was gonna be like "I'm Srry but no bc Wendy already told me that she told u to ask me out and ik u don't like me so" ...then we went to school and we were at recess and Wendy kept on going up to clay and telling him to ask me out but he got annoyed and said that he wouldn't bc he was actually going to and he was gonna mean it but then bc Wendy kept on bothering him it made him not wanna do it. Then Rodger got rlly mad at Wendy bc she keeps on messing w my love like and never learns from her mistakes. IM SO DONE LIKE I REALLY REALLY REALLY LIKE CLAY BUT ALL SHE DOES IS RUIN IT FOR ME😡🙄

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