Part 5

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Not much has happend but Clay unblocked me from his sc and I added him as a friend but he still has not added me back. I forgot to say this a while ago but about 2 weeks ago I was in class ans a kid just randomly says to me "Stop Fuc*ing with Rodger" and I go "What?" and he goes "You know what I mean" Then I dd not say anything backand neither did he.

At least my life is getting a little better now that Clay is talking to me again and he unblocked me. But Clay had liked me in the past. He onetime askd me out but I did not like him at the timeso I said no. Clay had liked me a total of 3 times. But I have been wondering what if he starts to like me again? Because he had liked me once every year. Once in 5th grade, once in 6th(The year he asked me out) And once in 7th (This year). All 3 times he told me that he liked me. So what if he ends up likeing me again? I still like him and I hat it that I do but im trying not to lie to myself. So if he tells me that he likes me again I would probs tell him that I like him to but I dont want the samething that happened the last time to happen again but hopefully we will work it out and we will end up together. I hate myself for saying this but I do want us to be together. :(

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