~ cold water ~

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The minute Betty's eyes fell upon Cheryl standing on the ice covered lake she was off, running towards her. She could hear her friends yelling for her to stop but she couldn't let Cheryl do it. She was an arms reach away from her, she could make out the tears prickling her cheeks, the cold fog that escaped her lips with each shaky breath, the heel in her hand she used to hack at the ice. Without thinking she took a step on the thin ice and shoved Cheryl into the snow, she heard the cracking sound, then it shattered.

The freezing water against her skin felt like daggers, each gulp she took searching for air was met with needles. She heard the muddled screams of her friends, of jughead screaming for her. She was panicking, whirling her head around, fully alert before the back of her head slammed against the thick ice at the top. Everything seemed to slow, she stoped her jagged movements. She thought she saw Jughead above her, his hand laying flat against the ice. She reached up, putting her hand at the same spot as his before seeing nothing.


" Betty!" Jughead screamed, kicking at the snow, looking for the girl. His eyes caught on glowing green eyes and he stopped.

" she's here!" He yelled. He got to his knees, shoving the snow trying to get a good look at the girl through the ice. She looked disoriented,  lips blue and eyes foggy. He placed his hand on the ice, she did the same and her eyes closed. Tears ran down his face as Archie shoved him out of the way and punched at the ice, blood seeping into the cracks he was creating. Jughead turned to look at Veronica who was in on her knees next to Cheryl, both with quiet tears on their faces.

" I got her!" Archie yelled, reaching into the water with both arms to grab ahold of the sinking girl. He hoisted her up out of the water and onto the snow, her body limp and pale. Jughead dropped to his knees beside her head and bent down towards her mouth, hearing nothing. He put his lips on hers, performing CPR, nothing. Archie lightly pushed Jughead back. Archie locked his fingers together and started chest compressions, while Jughead went back to CPR. Betty's checks filled with water as she spit water onto herself.  Jughead quickly rolled her onto her side to help her get the liquid out of her. She coughed and wheezed. Jughead smiled brightly while he rubbed her back, trying to help her in any way.

" jug-" Betty tried to choke out.

" where gonna get you outa here Betty" he said trying to hide the shake in his voice. Jughead looked at Archie as a new wave of panic passed over both of them as Betty goes unconscious. Jughead shifters towards Betty, wrapping an arm under her knees, and around her shoulders hoisting her up in his arms. They all hurried to get of the lake. Archie pet Betty's head as they walked to the car, while Veronica quietly sobbed behind them.

Betty shivered violently in Jughead arms, her teeth chattering a constant reminder of him to walk faster.

Jughead lowered Betty into the backseat as Archie hoped in the drivers, Cheryl in shotgun, Jughead and Veronica both with Betty in the backseat.

" drive faster Archie" Veronica yelled. Holding Betty's hand.

" she's so cold" she whispers.


Betty wakes up in a bed that doesn't belong to her. She has a throbbing headache and a chill through her whole body.

" Jughead?" She says quietly, her voice sounding horse, and feeling scratchy. Jughead shifts in a chair next to the bed, he's asleep. She reaches out to take hold of the hand on the armrest. At her touch Jughead's eyes pinch together and slowly separate. His eyes fall upon the pale girl laying in the bed. He immediately dropped to his knees beside her, holding her hand with both of his.

" Betty...thank god" he says, lightly letting her hair out of her face to get a better look at her.
He leaned in, planting a delicate kiss on her lips, making her smile. Betty shifted over in the bed, throwing the covers open, letting Jughead know she wanted him to join her. He took no time getting in the bed and wrapping his arms protectively around her small frame, he head leaning against his chest.

" I thought I lost you Betty" he whispers.

Betty hesitated.

" when I saw you I fell in love any you smiled because you knew"

Jughead smiled brightly.

" I love you Elizabeth Cooper"

" I love you Jughead jones"

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