Chapter Three: Old Friend

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^^^ Aries because she'll be pretty important later on ;))))

I slugged (is that even a word) up the stairs to my apartment. Ah, the afterparty, always a great time. I hung out at Curtis' place for a few hours after I woke up, once everyone woke up I basically said goodbye to everyone and left.

Once I got back to my apartment I just had a pretty normal, boring Saturday, well other than the occasional headache. I spent most of the day just doing normal things around the house, studying, school stuff, things like that.


Since the day had been quite dull, I went out for a walk, just to walk anywhere. I managed to walk my way over to the Starbucks a few miles away from my apartment. I decided to try and call up Chelsea as I walked out of the Starbucks, she never picked up so I just kept walking around. I later found myself in a conversation with one of my old friends, Lilah Watts, from middle school. She wore a loose gray t-shirt and ripped black skinny jeans. And she had long, dirty blond hair that she covered with a red beanie, and a nose stud.

"So, Leah!" Lilah said excitedly.

"So, Lilah!" I responded. "How's life been for ya'?"

"Pretty good, you probably already know but I graduated a year early and now I work at a little shop a few miles away from here." She replied.

"Sweet! I still have a few weeks left of college as you know, but I live alone in a little apartment, I'm normally never really there though." I laughed.

"Aw, why?" Lilah asked.

"I don't really know, I'm just normally at Oliver or Chelsea's apartments." I replied with. "I should introduce them to you sometime, I think you'd like them."

"You totally should! What are their last names though? We all probably went to the same schools so I might know them."

"Oliver Sykes and Chelsea Whitley." I said.

"Wait..." Lilah said, almost looking frightened.


"Like... the Oliver Sykes?" She said.

"Um, yeah? There aren't to many Oliver Sykes that I know of." I said confused.

"Wait wait wait, what does he look like?"

"Uh, really dark brown hair, with side bangs, pretty emo looking." I laughed. "Brown eyes, one full sleeve and another sleeve that's almost finished."

"Do you know if the makes music? Like in a band?" She said.

"Don't know why all the questions but
yeah, Bring M-" I got cut off.

"Oh my god, like Oliver Sykes, like, Bring Me The Horizon?" She squealed.

"Yep." I shrugged.

"Oh my god, I love them! Tell Oli that I said hi!"

"Sure thing, kiddo." I winked as I pulled by phone out of my sweatshirt pocket.

"Wait what the hell are you doing?" Lilah laughed.

"Doing what you said." I replied as I began to dial Oliver's number. A few seconds later he picked up.

"Hey Oli," I said.

"Mhm, I'm trying to do my hair here."

"Anyway I have a fan that wants to say hi, she's a really good friend of mine." I said as I looked over to Lilah on my left, handing her my phone.

"Uhm, I guess I should say that I really like your band?" Lilah blushed.

"Thank you!" Oliver said in return.

"No problem!" Lilah smiled as she gave me back my phone.

"Oi, im gonna make her meet you whether you both like it or not." I laughed.

"Mhm, anyway let me do my hair, and i'll see you two soon." Oliver said before hanging up.

   "Guess I should say thanks, Leah." Lilah said.

   "Nah, I mean, I've known him for like most of my life, it's really no problem." I laughed. "Anyway, I've got to go back to my apartment soon, promise that we'll keep in touch?"

  "Promise, I'll see ya' sooooon." Lilah said dragging the 'o' out.

sorry i am so vv uncreative but the next chapter will be in someone else's pov
I won't post a picture but I imagine Lilah looking like TiLLie (matt keans gf) anyway i have to apologize that is chapter is only like 700 words bUT, i didn't really know what to write so i just made this up. alSO ik i said that last chapter that this one would be good but i lied lmao ok, anyway bye
also i should have the next chapter up by tomorrow!!!!

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