Chapter Five: Plans

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hey yall ok so likeim having a fucking breakdown and im writing this and i have plannnz (but its a good breakdown?fuck idk lmao) also its like 3 in the morning and i have to be up in like three hours but hey! im having a good time rn and i wanna pick this story up again!!! anyway uhhh, theres this! also happy new year!! 


   I have a feeling Lilah got Oli's number for something... weird. She's never, never that happy about talking to somebody. Then again, it's Oliver, and apparently she really loves Bring Me, which I never knew. Hm, I don't really know. I just got a weird vibe off of it, ya'know? 

   I thought for a bit about Lilah and her "plans" that she probably had some real sneaky shit going on. I've known Lilah for long enough to know that she's a damn snake sometimes. Though she can be a snake, she's nice almost all of the time.


   "Welcome!" I said with a great smile as I greeted a customer walking into the store. 

   I took a glance at my phone, the time was 1:43. "Great!" I thought. There was only about twenty minutes until i got off of work for today. Since it was a Saturday today, the store I worked at closed early. Once I get home I was going to call Oli. I wanted to see him tonight, I just pray that Leah and her "friend" aren't with her tonight. If they are, it'll change. I want Oliver just to myself.

  Once 2:00 came around, I clocked out of work and began to walk home. On the way to my apartment, I spotted Leah and Curtis sitting across from eachother at a starbucks table. I walked up to them just to say hi to them both.  Leah seemed to be sketching something in a sketchbook, and Curtis was simply talking to eachother. They both looked so calm together. Hm, they'd be cute together. I thought to myself. After I had said hi to them both and made some awkward small talk, I continued to walk home. 

  I had walked for about five more minutes until I had made it to my apartment. 

  "I should definitely call Oli sometime soon," I mumbled to myself. "Just to make sure he's not going to be with Leah or anything."

   And that was exactly what I did. 

Calling: oliver fucking sykes!

 Oli picked up after a few seconds of me ringing him. 

  "Hey! Oliver?" I said excitedly.

   "Hey! Yeah, This is Lilah right?"

  "Yep! I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight, maybe at my house? That Is if you're not doing anything with Leah or something." I said. I knew this was going to work!

  "I'd love to! I can come to your house if you'd like. I don't have any plans for tonight."

    "Sweet! Just come over anytime you want. My apartment is in Buliding B, room 1432. I'll see you then!" I said sweetly, then hung up. "Yes. This will work, I know it." I thought to myself. "I'll make Oliver love me, no matter what it'll take. We'll be perfect together."


honestly i don't even like bmth that much anymore but i need a new hobby and i had good ideas for this thing and im sorry its S H OR T 

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