Chapter 4: Truth or dare

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Violet pov

We ate at our respective table and Sev was alone 'cause we're all in Gryffindor, except him.

"It's sad that Sev isn't with us" Said Lily.

"I don't care!" Said James as he takes the last cheese on the table, Peter looks at him upset 'cause he wanted the cheese.

We went to our common room and there was two different dorms, one for the boys and one for the girls.

Lily, Marlene, Alice and I went to the girl's dorm to choose our bed and place our things, while the boys went to their dorm.

We finished to place, so we went down the stairs to the common room, where the boys were playing truth or dare. I decided to join them with Lily. Marlene and Alice didn't wanted to play, so they just watched.

"Truth or dare Peter?" Asked Sirius.

"Uh... Dare." Answered Peter.

"Eat a past date cheese!" Shout Sirius, while laughing, and he gave the cheese to Peter.

"Uh... okay..." He take the cheese and put it in his mouth. "Oh! It's pretty good actually!" Said Peter while eating the cheese.

Everyone in the room was disgusted, except Peter.

Then it was James's turn, and he had to cut one of his precious hair, he takes some time to choose the good one and he cut it. He was real mad over Peter for obligating him to loose a hair. Everyone was laughing of his love over one hair.

James dared Remus to throw a delicious chocolate in the garbage. He was really sad for wasting something delicious like this. I think that Peter took it, 'cause the chocolate isn't there anymore.

Then Sirius had to try to climb the girls' stairs, but Remus didn't tell him that it's impossible. He was confident, 'cause he thought that it would be easy. Soon, he realized that the stairs change into a slide and he fall on the ground.

"Okay, thanks for laughing of me. Truth or dare, Violet?" Said Sirius, which waited for an answer from me.

"Truth! I don't want to do something too dangerous." I said.

"Okay, who do you think is the most handsome boy here?" He asked me.

"Uh... I don't know..." In my brain I was like JAMES!, but I didn't want to hurt Sirius's feelings.

"You are all handsome!" I said. "... except Peter..." Peter was sad.

"Choose between us three then!" Said James.

"Uh... Okay... Uh... James..." I said shyly.

"I knew it!" Shout Remus. "You owe me 5 sickles, Sirius!" Sirius gave it to him.

He was a little sad of my choice, I think he like me, but I like James, soo... no. Also, Remus is intelligent, so he knew that I like James, 'cause I'm not really subtle with my acts.

Then, it was my turn to ask someone, so I asked my sister.

"Truth or dare Lily?" I asked her.

" Truth, like you." She answered.

"Okay, do you LOVE Sev?" I insisted on the "LOVE".

"Well... He's my friend... Actually my BEST friend, but... He's not more than a friend for me." She said.

"Okay." I understood that the situation was awkward for her, so I didn't say anything else.

"He's really you're BEST friend? Why not ME?" Said James pretentiously.

I looked at him like "Did you REALLY had to say that? That was unnecessary."

"What?" He said with an innocent voice.

"Oh! It's already 22:22 o'clock." I said to change the subject.

"Make a wish!" Shout James, cutting me off.

Everyone made a wish and we went to our room to sleep. I wished that James asks me out one day.

It was a really nice day, I made friends, I'm at a new school and I have a new crush.

Then, I fell asleep.

Hope you all liked it. It took me a long time to write.

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