Chapter 5: Classes and "date"

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Violet pov

Today was the first official day of school, 'cause we arrived yesterday. It's nice 'cause I'm with all my friends in all my classes.

Our first class was transfiguration with the Ravenclaws and the professor is Mcgonagall, it's nice 'cause I already know at least one of my professors.

Then we had history of magic with the Hufflepuff and the professor is Mr.Binns. The class is boring, the teacher is boring and the Hufflepuffs are boring, it was really boring. I hate this class.

Next, we had charms with the Gryffindors and the professor Flitwick. We learned the Wingardium Leviosa spell.

We went to lunch and Remus ate all the chocolates and Peter all the cheese.

After lunch, we had flying lesson, with the Ravenclaws. James was the best of the class, so professor Hooch gave 5 points to Gryffindor.

Last, we had potions with the Slytherins and the professor Slughorn. We all had a partner, I was with James, Lily with Sev, Sirius with Remus and Marlene with Alice, Peter was alone 'cause no one wanted to be with him.

Slughorn gave 5 points to Gryffindor and Slytherin, 'cause Lily and Sev finished first and their potion was perfect.

At the end of the day, we all went to the common room to talk about our first day.

"The classes were really nice." Said Lily enthusiastically. "What was your favourite one? For my part, I really liked potions."

"Just 'cause you were good! And... Definitely not history of magic! Hmm... I think my favourite was flying lesson, 'cause I was the best, obviously." Said James pretentiously.

"Yeah, obviously." Said Remus. "For my part, I liked all the classes."

"Yeah, I liked Transfiguration, professor Mcgonagall is nice!" Said Sirius.

A little later in the year, in the common room.

"Hey Violet, you wanna go out with me?" Said James.


"I mean... out... outside... you know... well, that's awkward..."

"Uh... yeah! Sure! I'd come with pleasure!"

So we went outside and we talked about school, about the other guys and about anything that came to our brain.

"Next week are the Quidditch tryouts! Are you gonna do it? Like, will you try to be in the team? I know we can't be in the team this year, 'cause we're too "young", but next year? Asked James enthusiastically.

"Seriously, I don't know..." I said while thinking about it. "I mean, and you?" I asked sarcastically, because I know he will.

"Yeah! Obviously! I mean, I'm the best of our class!" He said pretentiously. "But that doesn't answer my question!"

"Probably, I mean, I'll try, but it doesn't mean that it's sure that I will be in the team!"

"Yessss!! I won't be alone!"

"Wait, the boys won't play?"

"No, Remus is too busy to study and Sirius is just not really good on a broomstick."

"Okay, then we'll be alone together."

"Yeah, alone together..."

And that ended the conversation 'cause it was time to go to sleep, 'cause we have class tomorrow.

Sirius pov

While James and Violet were outside, I was talking with Remus and Peter.

"Do you think that James like Violet, you know, like like. Do you think he has feelings for her?" I asked them.

"Why are you asking that?" Said Remus, wondering. "Do YOU like like her?"

"No... I mean... yeah she's kinda nice... and smart... and beautiful..."


"Wait, but we're only 11, why are you thinking about love? You have all the time for that." Said Peter, interrupting my conversation with Remus.

"Eh! Did I talked to you?" I told him.

"Well... I thought you were talking to both of us..."

"Yeah! But do not interrupt my conversation with Remus!"

"Woah dude, relax, he just told his opinion." Said Remus, calming me.

"Hey guys! What's up?" Said James while entering the room. "What? What happened? Did I did something wrong?"

"No it's okay, now, lets get to bed, I guess that's why you're here? Uh?" I said roughly.

"Woah bro, relax what happened since I went outside with Violet?"

"Nothing. Good night." I said roughly while getting into my bed to sleep.

"He had a rough day." Said Remus to James.

And that ended my day 'cause I fell asleep.

Violet pov

I arrived in my room and I talked to Marlene and Alice. Lily was already sleeping.

"Soooo, how was your date?" Asked Marl.

"It wasn't a DATE. We only talked about school and Quidditch."

"Well that looks like a date to me, you were only you two, if it was just about school and Quidditch, we would all have been there. Don't you think?" Said Marl.

"She has a point." Said Alice.

"Yeah, but... Okay, perhaps it was a date, but I'm too young to think about this... Even though I really like him."

"Well that's a good new to go to sleep, have a good night!" Said Marl.

I went into my bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

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