The Story

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Long long ago in the time of queens and castles, in the time full of fear and terror. One king and Queen stood above all, keep in mind this was before England and London was born. This was long ago in times of Vikings and exploration. This Queen and King lived in the only kingdom full of joy the beacon of light in the midst of darkness and evil, but it wasn't always that way. If you close your eyes, it is said you can feel their spirits as they tell you their story hear and the dragons call in the mountains. The Queens name was Glenda she was a powerful sorcerer and her kindness was like no other helping those in need and defeating dark entities such as vampires and evil spirits lurking in the shadows.Glenda's husband was less fortunate, not wielding her heart of gold his was coal pitch black and evil. He was a wolf spirit the first one to be created. Glenda had created her husband and named him Alaric, Alaric loved his wife but he was two faced fighting with himself until he would destroy every thing in sight. Glenda tried time after time to help the man she loved that she made perfectly for herself her soul mate. One day while Glenda was working on a cure for Alaric and his monthly changed from man to wolf. Glenda was several injured by Alaric while he unexpectedly lost control from anger. Glenda lay bleeding from her nape on the castle floor, Alaric started to become weak unable to stand. In her final attempt Glenda bound her soul to his. This created a unbreakable bound so strong Alaric's heart that once was coal turned into a magnificent diamond full of light and hope. The two ruled the kingdom after that hand in hand giving birth to a son, he was gifted with the wolf spirit like his father. As he became older the smell of roses and sweet mint filled his nose leading to a girl like no other. Glenda knew her son needed a mate so instead of coal she created a diamond out of coal. Creating the first Female wolf spirit called Luna. Her son Alpha and Luna where the first of many generations of wolf spirits to come. When Alaric and Glenda aged and went to the heavens god saw this amazing gift of life granting her a goddess and Alaric a god. Glenda now more commonly known an the moon goddess to royal packs Alaric as the sun God and is only worshiped by Royal packs. This pack is the living breathing descendent of Alpha and Luna. That is why our traditions stay old fashioned and rituals are inforced.

Sapphire POV
Jace told me the story of our creation. It was beyond beautiful it brought me to tears. I hugged him and then sighed. I never knew any of what he told me it made me for more.
" love it is getting late I suggest you go to sleep." I heard Jace say he then kissed me on the forehead and turned of his bedside lamp, before retreating into the warm covers. " Night Jace thank you for sharing that story with me it means a lot." I said turning my night lamp off and kissing his cheek before joining him under the warm blankets.

Hey Nikita here hope you liked the story as it gives you a explanation on some key facts about the pack. I wanted to point out that Alaric's heart was in fact made of Diamonds it will come up again for further reference.  I stated what Diamond in real life it is comment if you think you have it.

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