Chapter 1: Childhood

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*Everleigh P.O.V* (she's 7 yrs old)
Today I'm gonna celebrate the birthday of my bestfriend. I have a gift to give and its a plaything about scientist. Me and nathan are planning our future to be scientist and always be together. Right now is nathan's birthday he's turning 8 years old. Nathan didn't know that I really like him not love because I didn't know love yet my mom said that to me.

"Hey Everbear come lets go out to the backyard lets play!" He grabs my hand but I stop him.

"Hey wait natemonkey I still haven't give your gift yet, here." I handed him my gift. He opens it and a shock look on his face. What if he didn't want it? No he will like it.

"You don't want it monkey?" I asked sadly.

"What who said I didn't like it? Ofcourse bear I love it!" He hugs me then kiss me on my cheek. I feel a blush coming out to my cheek.

"Okay monkey lets go outside!" He drags me now and sit beside him at the table. We play the set about 15 minutes then our mom called us to eat.

"So stacey as you know we're not gonna live here anymore but I will not let this house for sale we're gonna live in london for many years because I found a job there so I just want you to know guys we're gonna miss you guys." Daniel(nathan's dad) said. I look at nate and he have the same look at his face.

"But why I can't see nate anymore? He's gonna live at other country? W-why?" I cried then hug mom(stacey). My dad died few years ago then only nate is the one who's there from me I'm always a daddy's girl he used to play with me when I tell him I'm bullied that day.

"Um bear can I talk to you upstairs?" Nate asked going upstairs. I walk through his room and surprisingly it is very neat so I seat beside him.

"Hey bear when your bullied when I'm not here be strong don't let them fight you. And don't let other boys kick you or slap you in the face then if they slap you tell them they are gay because no one will ever fights a girl except girl^_^." He assured then hugs me.

"Don't forget about me okay when you got a phone tell your mom my number so that we can call or text the other time okay." He said. Then something warm was placed on my lips. HE IS KISSING ME?! THE BOY I LIKE IS KISSING ME?! So what I did is just kiss him back. Then we pulled out.

"I did that for you to remember that I was your first kiss okay? And to remember I will always like you to the end." He said. We go down to the dining table and talk about them going out of the country.

×next day×

"So now your leaving?" I asked him while he is preparing food for his plane trip.

"Yes they said that we have to go now." He said. He still prepares then I just go down and sit on the couch then watch our favorite cartoon show Tom and jerry.

"Hey don't worry I will be always right here." He sit beside me and point at my heart.

"Okay I really don't want you to go." I said. Tears spilled my eyes then he take out my eyeglasses then wipes my tears.

"Hey I am too but there's a future ahead us." He said.

"Okay Nathan we have to go say goodbye now." His mom said.

"I don't like saying goodbye but I guess this is the last that we'll meet?" He aksed. He stand up then pick up his bag. Then I stop him then kiss him on the lips.

"Goodbye monkey."

"Goodbye too bear."

-10 years after...-

Currently I have 3 bestfriends but no one will ever replace nathan in my heart. Their name's are jonah, tracey and lastly bonnie. I'm still bullied but this is senior so yah many bullies.

"Goodmorning leigh." Mom said giving me some pancakes my favorite. Me and nate is still talking but noe its like we're having so much distance.

Hey nate I'm gonna go to school now and goodbye hope you have good day!


We go now to school and I go straight to my locker then the three of them walk through me.

"Hi leigh!" I guess someone is happy?

"Why happy trace?" I asked her putting my thing at my bag.

"Kevin asked me out on a date!!!" She whispered-shout. I laugh and congratulate her.

"So lets go now we don't wanna be late." Bonnie said. We go to the chemistry lab.

"Okay today we're gonna--." Blah blah I know what will she teach today. No I'm not a bitch its just I'm a nerdy-smartass. Someone is throwing small papers at me then I saw calirane the queen B(itch) the one who bullied me because 'I love nathaniel go away from him If I saw you with him I'll make sure I'm gonna live you life like a hell' that what she said.

Right now I was putting chemical A to chemical C to see what reaction was made. Then I tested it on a rock the rock break into pieces. So that what the Chemical A-C for.

"Okay as you see leigh here she's doing very great that is the way you measure the A to C so it will not explode." Mrs. Jamica said. A clap from the crowd was heard then I said thankyou. Its now a break so only you can go is to library. I picked out the 'book of the scientist' its a book from 1789 to 1995 the scientist wrote here what are they doing and they put here some chemical that you need.

"So smarty are you done yet its lunch time." Jonah said.

"Um you guys can go first because I'm gonna study." They rolled their eyes on me then go to the canteen. Then my phone rings.

Oh yah goodluck to you too ;) so I'm gonna go too.


He's studying chemistry to but on london.


(A/N:this is another story but go vote if its nice👌 then sorry from the spellings, grammars you know😢😢)

P.s : my cousin is the one who I'm inspired of this story (its not her life😂).

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