Chapter 11♥️

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Jacelynn's POV

The bell woke me up at the end of 1st period. I got up, grabbed my book bag and rushed out of class.

I honestly didn't wanna see Nyla, so I began to look for Jordan. I saw him and Ryan talking at his locker so, I went up to them.
"Hey Babe, Ryan." I said kissing Jordan on the cheek and waving at Ryan.

They both look at each other and Jordan wraps his arm around me. I walk with him down the hall and he seems quiet.

"What's wrong?" I say looking up at him.

"Nothing, but imma walk you to class" He said as the tardy bell rang.

"Babe, I don't want you to be late." I say.

"Well, text me in class. Bye." He fully says as he kisses me and walks the other way.

I make a left down the hallway and see Ryan,surprisingly.

"What up, dood?" I say, making peace signs.

"Hey, do you have Mrs.Shelton? You guys are taking a test today in the computer lab." He said.

"Oh yeah, where's the computer lab by the way?" I ask.

"Ill show you." He said as we began to walk down the hall.

He opened the door to the computer lab and it was, surprisingly empty.

"Isn't this the wrong lab?" I asked as he walked in.

"No, come in." He motioned me inside.

"Ryan, nobody's in here." I say with an attitude.

He pulls me inside and pushes me against the wall. He grabs my wrist and forces a kiss on my lips.

I attempted to wiggle out of hip grip, but I couldn't.

Just for that, he quickly pulled away and smacked me in the face.

When he stopped kissing me, he started to suck on my neck. I didn't like this, at all.

His grip got loose and I waited for the right moment to slip out of his grip.

I kicked him in the "balls" and ran out of the empty computer lab. I ran all the way to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and saw that I had bruises on my wrist and a hickey on my neck. I also had a red hand mark across my face.

Could today get any worse.

Okay, here goes nothing.

To: Kathy🌸
Come to the bathroom rn. I need u.

I began to to cry. I was tired of Nyla's  shit today, Jordan might be mad at me, and I just got molested by Ryan Stalvey.

"Jace?" Kathy rushed in the bathroom saw me crying at the sink.

"What happened?" She looked at my wrist.

"It all started when Nyla posted that picture in my Snapchat. Jordan is acting weird toward me and so is Nyla! Then, Ryan took me to the computer lab and kissed me and I told him not to. He gave me a hickey and he was grabbing my wrist and...." I began to start balling out crying.

"Ryan did what?? Okay, I'm telling mom to pick you up. A-" i interrupted her.

"No! I don't want mom to know!" I cried.

"Im telling Tony to take you home." She said as she texted him.

I waited for Antonio gwt there and we walked off of school campus together. I told him what happened and he was not happy.

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