Chapter 2- The Tour and Meeting Motionless In White

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You woke up early in the morning and jumped into the shower. After your shower you did your make-up and did your hair. You went downstairs to see everyone still sleeping in the living room so you came up with an idea to wake them up. You went and got a water gun and filled it with ice cold water. You went to the living room and sprayed them with the water gun and before one of them fully woke you went a hid upstairs as quickly and quietly as you could. When you heard them all talking you went downstairs "Did you spray us with water at all Y/N?" said Zach, you replied to him "No, I was upstairs getting ready. Maybe you guys sweated while you were sleeping." They all agreed that they could've sweated in their sleep.

Soon the bus arrived, you guys all got on it. You all chose a bunk to sleep in and put your stuff in them. You had went into the back area and found that it was a lounge and saw a T.V., an xbox one and a ps4. Zach finds you in the lounge and sits next to you and you guys play video games (Zach is your best friend out of everyone in the band.) Pretty soon everyone is in the lounge and you're all watching a movie. Pretty soon you fell asleep with your head on Zach's shoulder.

You woke up in the morning in your bunk. You're at your first destination of the tour. You take a shower and get dressed and do the rest of your morning routine. You walk out of the bus to go walking around. You were looking down not paying attention and ran into someone and fell backwards. "I am so sorry!" you said to the mystery person. "It's alright, I should've paid attention to where I was going." He responded. You recongized the voice and looked up and saw that it was Chris Motionless. You stood up and said "My name is Y/N, I'm the lead singer for Hello My Hate." He introduced himself to you and you two walked around together. You two walked into the venue together and saw that everyone was already there. Everyone introduced themselves to each other and hung out before the concert and sound check.

Eternally Yours (Chris Motionless x reader)Where stories live. Discover now