Chapter 5- The Final Destination of the Tour

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You were on Motionless In White's bus heading to the final destination of the tour. You and Chris were in the back lounge waiting to get to the venue. You were currently beating his ass in Mortal Kombat.

"God damn it!" Chris said as you kicked his ass again.

"God Chris, why do you suck so much?" you laughed at him.

You and Chris couldn't be any happier being together. You were falling for him hard and little did you know that he was falling just as hard. Everyone was on the other bus watching T.V. waiting to arrive at the final venue. You lived in L.A and so did Chris.

While playing video games you and Chris were talking.

"So where do you live in L.A." Chris asked you.

You guys had found out that you didn't live far from each other, you guys lived about a few blocks away from each other. You were ecstatic that you and Chris didn't live that far. You were talking about all the things that you would love to do together.

You arrived at the venue and had a few hours before the show. You guys went in to do sound check. When you guys were done with that you and Chris decided to go walk around. As you guys are walking around Chris suddenly stops and you turn to look at him wondering if something was wrong. Chris walks up and stands in front of you looking down at you, the wind blew and your hair was in your face. You fix your hair and Chris sees a strand of hair still in your way and tucks it behind your ear and leaves his hand there and kisses you. You couldn't help but to kiss back, you couldn't believe that you were kissing him after you've imagined it so many times. You wrapped your arms around his neck while kissing him back wanting this moment to never end.

Chris had pulled away ending the kiss and your face was all red from blushing. You guys then continued walking around and got something to eat near by the venue. When you guys were done Chris offered to give you a piggy back ride. You jumped onto his back and he gave you a piggy back ride to the venue. As you were on Chris's back you laid your head down on his shoulder and fell asleep.

You and Chris entered the venue, you're still on Chris's back and still asleep, the guys had noticed.

"Awww!" all of the guys had said.

"What? Why'd you guys say "Aww"?" Chris had asked not knowing that you had fallen asleep while he was giving you a piggy back ride.

"Y/N fell asleep while you were giving her a piggy back ride." Zach said.

"Oh." was all that Chris could say.

Zach had woke you up so you could jump down from Chris's back and get ready for the concert. You got off of Chris's back and ran back stage so that you could do your make up, hair and change into different clothes.

After the concert was done you guys had a meet and greet to do. When that was finally over everyone went to your bus and partied. You guys were laughing at the stories you shared with each other. You were sitting next to Chris then you moved so that you could sit on his lap.

After a while you decided to get up so that you could take a shower. You stopped by your suitcase so that you could get a change of clothes. You finally got to the bathroom and started the shower. You took off your clothes and took a shower letting the warm water hit you.

After your shower you put on your pjs, you headed out to the living room and said goodnight to everyone. You gave Chris a hug and a kiss goodnight and he said that he would be there in a few. You headed to your bunk and got under the covers and fell asleep. A little while later Chris came into your bunk and wrapped his arms around your waist and fell asleep with a smile on his face.

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