Chapter 3- The Concert

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Sound check had went amazing., it was time to go on stage (pretend that they are your band's songs) you guys played Bring Me To Life, I Miss The Misery, Paperdoll, You Call Me A Bitch Like It's A Bad Thing, and Whore. Then you were on side stage watching Motionless In White preform and admiring Chris. They performed Devil's Night, Dark Passengers, Reincarnate, Break The Cycle, and Contemptress. When it came to Contemptress, Chris asked you to come on stage and perform it with him. The concert ended and you guys had a signing to do for the fans. You were happy that you were taking pictures and signing posters and shirts for your fans.

After the signing you all went to Motionless In White's bus and hung out. You and Chris sat next to each other with Zach on the other side of you. You were happy to have your best friend on one side and your crush on the other. You all were getting to know each other so that way you would all get along and so far you were. After a while you all started to watch a movie. You ended up falling asleep with your head on Chris's shoulder, you woke up and realized where you were. Chris's head was on top of your head, it seemed like he didn't care that you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. You fell back to sleep with a smile on your face. Little did you know that when you had fallen asleep during the movie Chris had fallen asleep right after you and no one had seemed to notice except for Zach. When Zach had seen that you and Chris fell asleep with your head on his shoulder and his on top of your head he had taken a picture of it. Zach knew that you had a crush on Chris so when he saw that you two had fallen asleep together like that he couldn't resist to take a picture of it. He wasn't going to tell you that he had taken a picture of you and Chris sleeping together.

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