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The image above is a picture I took this morning at work. I work alone in a barn every single morning taking care of two horses. The time to myself gives me a lot of time to think. While getting out the hay, I looked up at 7:10 this morning to see this half moon and for some reason it reminded me of something.

Recently my mind has been on the future. That tends to happen when you are signing up for college classes. My mind has been churning for answers for the future and has been wishing for my dreams to come true. So much so that I feel like most of my life is just the wait time before I get to the good parts.

Everyone says that you need to go out and have an adventure. You need to do something that leaves a mark on the world. Travel to far away places. Do something crazy like sky diving! That is real living.

Looking up at this stunning moon though, I was reminded of an anime called Assassination Classroom. I don't know if any of you are familiar with this touching anime, but in it a strange creature claims to have destroyed the moon. This was true as the moon was blown up into a permanent cresent shape and he then says that he will do the same to earth in a year. Meanwhile he wants to spend that year teaching a specific group of students at a highschool. It's a comical plot with undertones of seriousness and a beautiful ending that had me crying.

In the end though, yes that was an intense adventure for those high schoolers but it  wasn't because the creature was horrible to them. The creature for some reason became an amazing teacher and through the show, all of the characters conquered different problems they had been having. Simple things love gaining confidence, learning to make friends, opening up to people, or being brave.

In order to have a fulfilled life, you don't have to go on some incredible adventure across the world to be fulfilled. The biggest adventures are with the people around you. Instead of looking ahead, focus on the now while you have it.  Start with the small things. Talk to the girl in the corner. Confront your bullies. Find yourself. Gain confidence. Then look back on your life the day you die and know that you may not have ever made headline news in the paper, but you survived life! You did things and created memories with the people around you. You died inspired and blessed with your own personal accomplishements. I know one thing for sure. You touch more people than you think.

Sometimes the greatest adventures are right infront of you. Never forget to live in the present. And if you forget that, look up not ahead.

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