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If I looked at you and started saying "If lucky ducks sprinkle pies on turds to help them grow then how do we get the drunken rabbits across the river? Well?" You would probably stare at me like I had lost my mind.

I am taking a math class at my college and I am so lost. I am currently sitting in my car in noisy silence trying to figure out how I am going to pass this class? He talked for an hour and a half and I don't even know what he meant by anything. He showed us math problems that I am going to go home and google how to do. Ontop of that class I have three others all demanding my attention.

How is anyone supposed to do this? In order to give it my all I am going to have to accept that I won't have a life. My life will be stress and school. How is that healthy? I'm just so done. I don't understand math I never have. It makes zero sense. I can write. I can write day in and day out but give me a math problem and I go round in circles with it. Even if I do finally get it, I'll probably miss the problem due to a small error on my part. How is this fair? Why do I have to take this stupid class? Why do I need to know more than standard math if I'm never going to frickin use it? It's day three and I want someone to shoot me and be done with it. I'm going to lose my scholarship and fail this stupid class...

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