Natsu Son ?

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*sigh* I just want to finish my work, but Wattpad just is just .....yea I have no excuse
Nash Pov
"Bring it on son of Natsu Dragoneel" as I was being cornered by wolves from the hot guy team by the ends, but even though my mom told me not to fight and just run which I was and still am currently good at, but I knew deep in my soul ......I didn't give a damn right now

"Sure~" and the battle started 10 vs 1

Reiki Pov
"Reiki your father said to go help the other wolves quickly, their losing " my attention snapped toward my beta and growled

"How is that wolf strong if he doesn't and ....never mind, I underestimated him " the scent was getting stronger as we ran faster

"Reiki, I'm so tried bro this guy can run" it was now me my sister and my beta after the wolf scent

"Let's just get him "

Nash Pov
"Well it was fun and all but I gots to go cause I have dishes tonight so bye ~" I returned back to my human form and ran in the direction of my home

"Hi !!!! You Stop!" I looked behind me as I tsk, that beta has been following me grrrrrrr

"Stop Following Me ! Please !" The guy yelled no as I kept running almost reaching my home also known as my land or my parents.....I forgot what I was talking about ? Speaking of I lost the beta ha .....

Ooooo yea my home

Rosemary Pov
"Bro we have been following his scent for almost a hour are you sure he didn't trick us?" My brother nodded as he ran forward, I wonder if my mom and dad have caught up with the guy

Nash Pov
I was almost across when I noticed a sword come out of a bush as I swiftly grabbed it and threw it back, hi I can be badass too and guess what my dad taught me that move

"Impressive .." I heard a whisper, but I ran forward to see that my passage was blocked off

"Oooo nooooo !!! Ima be late crap !" I see two shadows behind a tree but pretend that I don't notice it till I got a idea, since my home is that way and Gale home is that way then if I calculate the way .....nah fuck it, I grabbed the gold piece and show it to the dark figures in a way of a taunt and ..........threw it to my territory

"YOU DUMBASS !!!" I smiled as I ......climbed up a tree as a red haired women tried to take down the tree, which she managed to break but I kept jumping to tree to tree

"Come down !!!! Now!!" Her voice makes me shiver when a blue haired man appeared in front of me which surprised me and I slapped him causing him to lose his balance, when I noticed something in the a tree

"DAD!!!! HELP ME !!" I made grabby hands towards my dad, as his soul came out, when the red haired lady looked at his direction and dad snapped out of it

"NOPE NOT TODAY !!" I see my dad grab my sister and run it towards me as my sister carried me and jump to the border and we made it !!!!

" Damn It they got away !!! " I looked back when I see that guy reiki was it ? But ooooo well he was pretty good looking, I look around when I see the gold piece and smile, ignoring the other stares from reiki and that girl ? his parents left I think ......

"Come on kids lets go before your mother decides to ....kill us for being late " we all shivered at the thought and walked away, when I see reiki staring at me when I turn around and smile facing him when I blew a kiss and winked and left quietly giggling

Reiki Pov
I blushed, as I see my sister smirking

"You like him ~" I groan and walk away

???? Pov
"We need to kidnap the Fire Dragon son ........Nash dragoneel we can't have a omega getting out of our hands "

Fairy tail next generation! Reiki x Nash !Where stories live. Discover now