12; sorry's

10 2 1

It was close to a month now since Eunmi was admitted to the hospital, maybe about 2 weeks, and since then she was in and out of the hospital. She went to school once a week, and the trio was missing the times they had together.

Hana and Yoongi talked a little bit here and there, not as much as they used to. Hoseok was not as enthusiastic as he was before this all happened. Everything was melancholy.

They would visit her everyday, doing what they do most days. Gossiping, discussing what happened at school and exams. They all wished that everything would go back to normal,

but someone knows that it can never be the same again.


It was history lesson when Yoongi got a text message from Eunmi herself.

mimi: come by aft sch
mimi: lol why am i even
asking, you come everyday

Yoongi silently smiled. He later learned that Hana and Hoseok couldn't visit due to their relatives coming over, so he decided to talk to Eunmi alone.


"Yo Yoongs!" Eunmi cheered as he walked into the room. A big smile made its way to the male's face and he strolled over to her bed.

"What happened at school today?"

"Nothing much, but some guy beat up another dude and he had to go to the hospital,"


"I know,"

"So what happened at the hospital today?"

"Nothing much, some guy came in with a bloody nose and missing front teeth. Funny thing is, he was wearing our school uniform."

They looked at each other, eyes instantly locked.

"I guess that completed the story," Eunmi laughed and fixed her blanket.

Yoongi dusted her pillow before she hugged in her arms, trying to find warmth in the cold room. It was getting close to winter anyways.

"Any word from the doctor about your sickness yet?"

"No, i'm afraid not,"

She played with her hair out of boredom. She then pat the side of the bed beside her, signaling Yoongi to lie down there.

"I'm cold, warm me up with your fats," she ordered and Yoongi chuckled. He took out his coat and put it over Eunmi who snuggled into it. He proceeded to lie down next to her.

There was silence for a while, they could hear each other's breathing. Yoongi took his time to listen. He took the time to look at Eunmi's features up close. He noticed that there was actually small freckles on her nose and he thought that it was cute. He twirled her brown hair lightly, playing with it.

"Yoongi, i'm sorry," she suddenly started and Yoongi looked at her confusedly.

"Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry that all of this happened,"

She gripped onto his shirt.

"I'm sorry that i lied to you all this while,"

she gripped tighter.

"I'm sorry that i can't stay by your side all the time."

he held her hand this time.

"I'm sorry that i met you."

Tears stained the bed sheets as she cried uncontrollably. She was shaking. She dug her face into Yoongi's chest. Yoongi was speechless, he didn't know what to say. Instead, he just stroked her hair and cooed.

i'm falling in love with you more, Park Eunmi.

or is that even possible?

Eunmi grew tired of crying after a little over an hour and Yoongi found her fast asleep. Yoongi's eyelids soon felt heavy, and soon, the two of them were sound asleep together on bed, cuddling. That is, until a nurse came by to inform that visiting hours have ended.

They said their farewells and Yoongi made his way back home.


3 weeks

It's been three weeks since Eunmi's incident, but everything went back to normal, except that Eunmi was still in the hospital. The trio visited her and they would joke around, just like they used to. Only studying would get in the way of them visiting her, which in the case, would be very rare.

"When are you coming back?" Hana questioned. Eunmi shrugged.

"Probably in a week," the rest nodded in agreement.

There was suddenly silence, nobody knew what to talk about.

"I'm sorry all of this happened guys," Eunmi blurted out and the twins immediately ran over to her.

"It's ok Mimi! You're at least getting better, right?" Hana squealed. Eunmi just smiled at her sudden enthusiasm. Hoseok began tickling her and she began giggling out like a small child.

"Hobi! Lungs! Lungs!" Eunmi laughed out while lowkey reminding the orange haired boy. Yoongi just watched as the scene played out in front of him and he smiled.

he really hopes nothing happens now.

秋思 :autumn melancholy  ;  m.ygWhere stories live. Discover now