chapter 3

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So I woke up in the morning and I realized that I was at my boyfriends house. I don't know why I was there nor can I remember why or how I got there. I wanted to go home I really did. I had got up well tried to get up. HD had pushed me back down. Why was he acting like this he had never done this before. He never treated me like this and he told me that he wouldn't. I believed him. Well I then realized that I was naked. I didn't know why I was or what happened.I tried to wake him up to ask him what happened and he would not wake up. So I kept trying.He then woke up and yelled WHAT!!!!! I said I wanted to talk to you damn why an attitude for,what did I do. I never though he would really be like this like WTF.I wanted to go fucking home I really did. So what would I do.

So I asked him what happened last night to me. He told me don't worry about it. So then I wanted to carry on a conversation,Mabey it would start a fight nd he would come out and tell me. Then I though about it again what if he tried to hit me or do something bad to me. Well then I thought he it's worth a try so fuck it. I just didn't want to start anything to wear he would break up with me and there was no ride for me anymore. It would make my mom happy though wouldn't it I thought. So then I tried to carry on a conversation.
Taylor: so tell me what happened last night I want to know and I need to know.

Shawn:why are you so worried about what happened your my butch now.

Taylor:what you mean I'm your bitch. I've been your mother fucking girl this whole time.

Shawn:I mean like you work for me now.

Taylor:Shawn I can't do this what if my mom finds out then what are you going to do huh.

Shawn:she won't find out.

Taylor:the man at her house will to.

Shawn:let me tell you something about that man he already knows he's the one that got you to be a working bitch. He's the one that did what he had to do. I just didn't want it to look bad on my part.

Taylor:what you mean.

Shawn: I mean that your my bitch and I loose girlfriends because of me turning them into working Bitchs,so say bye to your friends before its to late.

Taylor:nothing will happen to me,and I know that so keep thinking that something will. Asshole.
    So then I was getting really mad and I didn't know what to do. So I went to the bathroom with my cloths. He tried to follow me. Then he got into the bathroom and I had forgotten had a key for the door. He had asked me what the hell was I doing and I told him that I was getting dressed. So then he hit me and pushed mean the shower. He took his cloths off and then put his dick inside of me. I didn't know what to do so I just took it. I didn't think nothing of it. He kept saying that he loved me. I said it back. Then I was free. I had put my cloths on and then went out the window and ran as far as I could.I know that he would still catch me I knew he would. So then I finally got home.

  I had to lie to my mom. So I stopp d to think about what to say. I then opened the door and she asked me why I was sweating and couldn't breathe. I lied and told her that I took a run. She asked me if I went to a party last night. I told her what party. She said oh okay I'm sorry then bby girl. Go upstairs and get ready my friend that you met is coming back over. I said okay. In my head I was saying oh great. I knew what was going to happen. I knew that now my boyfriend would know wear I was. This is when my mom would find out. I was fucked. I had to stay in my room and I had to lie to why I couldn't come down. I had to do something. The dude was 26 so I knew that I would never ever get away. He was tall and strong.

   So then I see him come out of his car and I see him come into the house. Then I hear him talking to my mom and she yells my I then don't answer. She says that she was coming up to my room. He then said don't worry she's fine I know she's strong. My mom paused for a minute then she said yes I know. After that she said can you go  check on her for me while I cook. He said sure. He then came up and knocked on my door. I let him in. He said why the fuck did you run away. I didn't know what to say so I told him I don't know. He said well I came here so that I could get some head bitch. I then said my mom is home though so that won't work out sorry boo. He then hit me. And my mom didn't hear it.

  He then left my room cause he knew he wasn't about to get any. So then I had to throw up. I went to the bathroom and threw up. He was downstairs telling my mom that I was fine. I really wasn't. I wanted to tell her but then I didn't. I guess I just didn't know what to do. I didn't think. I should have not come back home I really should have not.But then I would have to put up with him hitting me. I wouldn't tell my mom because I didn't want to loose him. My mom had brought a pregnancy test. It was for her. She bought like two of them so I took one. She then came back in and didn't notice. I thought it was funny.She then went to take it and it showed negative I was so happy but sad. She had told me that she got back with dad. I was like oh great look who's getting kidnapped.

   So then I go to take my pregnancy test. It then shows up that I'm positive. I then go to tell my mom. I just don't know how I would put this to her or tell her. I really don't. But I tried I told her I was pregnant and she said awe and that she was happy. I didn't think my mom would be this happy. Now I had to tell Shawn and we've only been together for 4 months now. I had called him and told him and then he was like what. I'm a dad. I was like yeah so act like one. He said that's it bitch I'm coming to get you. It was Sunday and I had school tomorrow what was I going to do. Well then he showed up at my door and my mom let him in. Her friend was still there. I was like damn I'm really fucked. So then I heard them both talking.

  They both were coming up the stairs. They both came in my room. My mom had left to go to the store. Shawn had put his dick in my ass and my moms friend had put his duck in my pussy. What was I going to do. I cumed alot. Then he kept going harder and harder. I then found out that he was gang banging me. After that he told me that I now fucked six guys so now I'm in the gang. I told him that I can't be I'm having your child. He said I guess we will see now won't we.He then asked my mom if I could go to his house. I said that I couldn't because I was sick. He said lies. Then he said you know I'm joking bby. The other dude gave him a glare. After that he left. An hour later the other dude left.I went into my room and I cried. I was so upset I really was. I didn't know what to do. I needed to rethink what I was doing.

   Then I thought that I should tell my mom. Then I came up with something what if I told my mom and she lost him as a friend what would happen. Then I had changed my mind big time. I knew what would happen and that's not what I wanted to happen.I just wanted a life wear I didn't have to worry. I also wanted to have a big life. Not one wear I'm having a kid at 16 and wear nigga just want to fuck me without me saying okay or yes. I don't even know if I'll go to another party again to be honest. It's going to be hard you know.
Moms pov
Taylor knows that I got back with her dad. She just ain't happy about it. I wish that she could understand that her dad loves her and wants to be in her life. I guess that she is just still scared of him.
There is another story part to this book. It's the other girls part and then there's also a part after hers. There will yes be an"my accident2 book". I hope that you enjoyed this first one do far.

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