Not Your Barbie

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your words
Your sideways thoughts
The way you look at me makes me sick
You block out my voice
And stare
Stare at my body
Turning a young girl
Full of potential and intelligence
Into an object
Turning a women filled with confidence into
A scared girl terrified of your thoughts
Terrified of your words
Said through crooked smiles and drifting eyes
Drifting deeper down my shirt
And following me as I walk
Shivering at the thought of your hands
Reaching out to touch
Wanting to run
Wanting to scream
Because you have the power
You have the strength
However I have my strength
Surprising to you as it must be
Girls are strong
Our brains run constantly
Our muscles growing daily
Our thoughts becoming deeper
But you wouldn't know that
For you think of me as a Barbie
A toy for you to play with
Someone you can undress and manipulate
For you think you are the puppet master
Well I am not your puppet
Maybe I once was
However now I'm cutting the strings
Unclosing my mouth
For I will not stand for your ways
you can not control me
You can not play with me
You can not look at me in your way
Your sideways
Skin crawling
Stomach churning way
For I am not a Barbie
I am not plastic
I am titanium

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